Recording videos on DSLR cameras?


Well-known member
I don't suppose any of you know how to record a video on a Pentax K100 D DSLR? I didn't even know that you could until one showed up on my camera's memory card. I flicked through every setting on the dial and menu and there isn't a record mode....It makes absoloutely no sense at all. I would just ask my friend how she recorded it but I know she wouldn't have a clue haha (it was an accidental video).

I'm quite baffled and now rather frustrated since Google is no help and I haven't a clue where the manual is :/


Well-known member
I can record on mine -is there a dial on the top you twist to change settings or modes? Thats where i find mine.

Some of the newer ones you can record on.



Well-known member
According to specs there's no video support at all on Pentax K100 D - are you sure it wasn't on your SD card from another camera or loaded from the camera memory itself as a demo video?

As for whether you can record video on a DSLR or not depends on whether your camera has automatic ability or not. If your camera is a true DSLR (i.e. completely manual in every function) then no, it can't record video. If your camera has automatic ability and the manufacturer has physically allowed for video recording, then you can record video. My EOS 450D has limited automatic settings but no video record abilities (wtf, Canon?) but my 5DmII records video of higher quality than some ultra-premium RED devices I've used.

True DSLR = no video.
DSLR with automatic capabilities but no manufacturer support = no video.
DSLR with automatic capabilities with manufacturer support = video.
Point and shoot = video unless it's a.) old or b.) ultra cheap.


Well-known member
I know it wasn't on my card before because the video was from a trip to London, for which I only had the one camera and the one card. My friend noticed the camera was recording since part of the video was her asking how to stop it recording :lol And it does indeed have automatic capabilities - you can switch between it being completely manual and auto settings.