red underwear


Well-known member
trashy? :confused:

reason i asked was not long ago bumped into a friend i dnt tlk to as much anymore and she asked to see what id been buyin and i showed her this v reasonable red nd black set which was jst stripy ish with a lace trim round the edge and she acted so shocked and went erm who wears red underwear its so nasttty and i was like
i think its nice


Well-known member
Originally Posted by stockham
as long as it isn't too "fussy" with lots of lace, ribbon, bows etc, then it's fine!

ITA, now marabou trim, that just to far.... LOL
but as for red & black, i think it's very sexy, and in the end WhoTF cares? it's you who'll be wearing it (and your SO seeing it maybe) so as long as you like it and are comfy in it that's just fine


Well-known member
Oh man... then I must be trashy... because I looove red or black underwear... and when paired together even better. I think it's a great color combo... and yeah, in reality... who cares? I'm actuall wearing lace red panties with black trimming right now... how odd =)


Well-known member
that's the stupidest thing i have ever heard...I think red w/ lace underwear would be awesome...and ya whoTF cares!'s underwear, underwear dosen't have hidden should go back and get another pair and give them to her as a present.


Well-known member
shes v stuck up and very 'prude' (that even a word lol) a just think its fun but jst perceived as prostitute like lol


Well-known member
She's missing out. Red is just another color. She must be a super boring person to critique someone's underwear color choice.


Well-known member
Are you wearing these underwear for her!?! I don't think so! She needs to take her opinion somehwere else. She has no right to tell you what is trashy. If you like red underwear with lace and sh*t then that's what the heck you like! People are retarded! Who the heck needs friends like that?