Reflects Glitters...


Well-known member
Which is most versatile? Are they really all that different that I need all of them? How/where do you use them, and how do you make them stick?

Beauty Marked!

Well-known member
I can't imagine life without the entire reflects range. I use them all and reach for them most, in this order:

Pearl, red, blue, and gold.
For some reason, they just seem to stick without the add of anything. Maybe I am just lucky. You can always use a paint or a f/l ( any gel liner or cream shadow really) as a base if you want more density. I absolutely adore them. They are so ultra finely milled and infinitely more workable than all of the MAC glitters combined IMHO.

Oh, I generally use them on my eyes only. hth


Well-known member
I bought the Pearl and the Red reflects glitters, just waiting for them to arrive! Hoping to use them on my eyes and maybe lips - have to wait and see


Well-known member
They are versatile,.. add them to lipgloss, nail polish, etc to jazz existing stuff up a notch,.. add it to clear mascara or eyeliner mixing medium,. use a duster brush and just kinda let it rain down on your for an all over glitz,.. I just LOOOOVVVVVEEEEEE the reflects glitter,.. they are talking about reformulating it? I dont see how they could make it better? The only thing I wish they would do is repromote Sifted Silver,.. this was limited with the Delish stuff I think?? came in a tiny vial. Anywho,.. glitter usage is only limited to our imagination. I have even made my own soap with it in there,.. LOL.


Well-known member
Pearl is the most versatile, IMO. But I love them all. I like to do a blue eye with a neutral highlight, then put Reflects Blue all over from lashline to brow, then line and apply lashes. Or a pink/plum/fuchsia eye with Reflects Red all over. I can look for a pic if you like, I'm not sure I have one tho.

I would get Pearl and Blue to start. You will want Red and Gold soon enough, but I use Pearl way more than the Gold. They are rather similar to me, but I like Pearl better. Oh, and I don't need anything to make it stick. I just lightly touch the lid with my ring finger, then lightly apply all over. If I only want it in a certain place, I use a brush.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LatinaRose
Pearl is the most versatile, IMO. But I love them all. I like to do a blue eye with a neutral highlight, then put Reflects Blue all over from lashline to brow, then line and apply lashes. Or a pink/plum/fuchsia eye with Reflects Red all over. I can look for a pic if you like, I'm not sure I have one tho.

I would get Pearl and Blue to start. You will want Red and Gold soon enough, but I use Pearl way more than the Gold. They are rather similar to me, but I like Pearl better. Oh, and I don't need anything to make it stick. I just lightly touch the lid with my ring finger, then lightly apply all over. If I only want it in a certain place, I use a brush.

Oh, I'd love to see a picture if you have one!! I can't wait to try these!!


glitters are my best friends, literally.
i try to match them with the weather - it stick out that way (for me)
like for summer, i use gold or yellow glitters under my eyes & in the corners.
they give you this energetic glow under the sun & it`s fun to do & extremely cute.


Well-known member
not wanting to start an entirely new thread... how come only Reflects Blue glitter is the only one on the website? Is this a pro item and I am assuming maybe there's a halloween look using it?
Regardless, I ordered one right up LOL


Well-known member
I love to match them with the color eye shadows I wear & pat a little on top of them. Of course they are not eye safe, so use accordingly