Refridgerating moisturizers?


Well-known member
I've been looking around for a cost-effective but well-reviewed face moisturizer, as I've been lacking one for about 2 years now and really need to stop using Aveeno hand lotion on my cheeks (LOL!), and one of the products I've got my sights on is the St. Ives Collagen-Elastin moisturizer: Makeupalley Reviews of St. Ives Collagen-Elastin Essential Moisturizer . I love St. Ives' stuff, so hopefully, this product will work for me, as will the other St. Ives moisturizers I may try out.

However, this product comes in a rather sizeable tub, and it doesn't strike me as being super-sanitary to keep dipping my fingers in to a tub. What I wanted to do was use two 5-gram jars to repot small bits of the product (and I'll be mixing one of them with foundation, hence the two jars!), then refridgerate the actual tub. Is that possible, though? I mean, I know you're SUPPOSED to refridgerate certain face masks, but is it a good idea to refridgerate a giant opened tub of face cream, and will it really help any?


Well-known member
i've used the moisturizer... it's not really moisturizing. i would say it's suitable for normal to combi skin.

i think it's ok to put it in the fridge. that's what i do too =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xxainixx
i've used the moisturizer... it's not really moisturizing. i would say it's suitable for normal to combi skin.

i think it's ok to put it in the fridge. that's what i do too =)

I have combination skin and I try to resist putting stuff on my face every night, which is why I'm interested in it.
All of the other face moisturizers sound too heavy, oily, or smelly.


Well-known member
hey, if it works for you then there isn't any reason why you shouldn't use it.

I think it would be better for the jar to keep it in the fridge because it will help preserve it, (cosmetics are often affected by heat, light, and moisture) and only filling up your 5gm jars once in a while will minimise oxygen to the jar, which can also affect the condition of the product.

i keep lots of stuff in the fridge; seems fine to me!


Well-known member
You could also try finding those little moisturizer spoons that help you measure and scoop out the perfect amount to apply, that way you can keep the big jar without dipping ur fingers into it.