Requirements of becoming a MA @ MAC counter


Well-known member
Straight up, I'm 17 and I have no work experience -- zero, haha.

I really want to work as a MA @ the MAC counter, but because of my non-existent work experience I'm scared of even applying! Are there any "requirements" that you need to meet in order to work at MAC? Like, do you have to have work experience; be a certain age; have taken a course for make up?


New member
I believe first and foremost you have to be 18 to work there. When I went to interview, most people had some retail, art/freelance makeup background, or makeup schooling as well. Maybe you can start at another makeup counter or just in retail and build up sales experience?


Well-known member
Well I had a friend who worked for Lancome for 4 mths then just asked for an application at MAC, she went to all the interviews and was hired so its possible.

She never had any formal training except for on the job stuff at the counter.

She was 26 though at the time. But its not all peaches and cream working for mac eventhough you love the product - they have a high turnaround rate except for a few diehards and those going to school. You'd be surprised how many want to leave/quit but cant or dont last long - its still retail sales no matter how you look at it, makeup artist or no.


Well-known member
High turnaround rate? Really? Actually that's not true where I am. I've seen the same people at the MAC counters for *years* and even my makeup school discouraged me from specifically trying to get into MAC because "everyone wants to work there and the girls already working for them aren't going anywhere else in a hurry". I guess it really varies depending where you are...


Well-known member
at my counters i always see new faces! i see some of the same old ones too but a LOTTT of people do come and go and not necessarily quit/get fired, but rather transfer! many want to go to a more busy counter or even a store where they might be able to move up even higher.

anyway you definately need to be 18... and they definately prefer that you have retail experience. because you get thrown in and you need to know how to handle yourself with customers. thats what they really want to see. also that you know how to sell things... but you can still get hired without that. my best friend did. she only worked at Applebees and she applied (although she is an esthitician), and got the job. now she is a manager


Well-known member
I Really Want To Work In The MAC Flagship Store Not The Department Stores. In My Opinion The Creativity Is Actually In The Flagship Store

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