Resigned Governor Spitzer


Well-known member
Hmm....I am suprised no one has started a thread about this.
It has been on every channel for the past few days. If someone doesn't know what I am referring to, then you must be living in a hole lol j/k. I am somewhat parted with this, one with I don't care because it has to do with him and his family, however one can question whether he used NY tax payers money to satisfy his need on a 10 year relationship with call girls and in a time sufficient need and goverence, especially for the state of NY, why has he been spending his time on traveling and meeting for sex instead of helping his state out with the best of his ability.

I mean, besides the questions I arised, I don't really care that he was having sex with call girls. I do feel bad for his wife, children and family. But, he is not the only high-powered individual that cheats and buys sex. I also think it is pure arrognace that he thinks he could get away with it just because he is a high-powered person.

Like okayyy, he got caught, he apologized, and he resigned. Can the media/tv/radio/newspapers/ please move the f on. Now we have a new governer in the office, and let's concentrate on him and help him benefit NY. There are ALOT bigger issues the state of NY and our country is facing that we should move on to. But no, now they identified who the call girl was, displayed her life bio and personal life on every channel and will probably go on about her for the next few weeks.


Well-known member
Thats the thing with media, something big happens and they'll beat it beat it, beat it.....til everyone knows every minute detail. Gets old after a while. Good thing I guess is if you missed it the first time the story broke, you'll have many chances to get caught up.

It is a wonder how much his work may have been influenced esp. with the trips he was taking and the money?


Well-known member
You're completely right that he's not the first to hire a prostitute, but he got caught. And he was already despised in Albany. Don't think for a minute that the media isn't used as a tool by politicians. They're not dragging this out because it's "important"; they're doing it to get back at him for bad legislation, pissing off very important people in Albany, and a myriad of other things.

I didn't like him, I didn't vote for him, and I'm pissed if he used my tax money to pay for a hooker. I'm completely fine with his name being dragged through the mud- it keeps the office conversation interesting. It's his kids I feel bad for, but he should've thought about them before he did it.


Well-known member
I have to admit that I have gotten caught up watching this scandal unfold. I feel bad for his wife and three daughters. However, Spitzer should have the book thrown at him. Who in the hell spends thousands of dollars on hookers. He must be such an asshole that he can probably only get sex by paying for it. Then he's paying a 22 year old, someone not that much older than his oldest daughter. They should put his slimy ass in jail along with the same people he so fervently prosecuted.


Well-known member
I'm a NY'er so this story has been the talk of all my friends and family. I don't care. I really don't. He is a jerk and I don't car what happens to him. I just feel bad for his wife and kids. They must be going through heck right now.


Well-known member
While i feel sorry for his family, I wouldn't have done what his wife did and stand by him while he resigned. I would have taken my children and gotten the hell out of there and started divorce proceedings.
I don't like weak willed women that tolerate this kind of behavior. Have some self respect!


Well-known member

Truly, it is so hypocritical beyond belief to have spent years prosecuting people for this and yet you have your other hand in the "cookie jar" so to speak.
What a jerk loser. I hate people, high powered or no (but especially those in society who are "supposed" to be held to a higher standard of ethics/morals), that ruin their families lives because of their stupid vices.


Well-known member
Every time I hear of something like this, I can't help to wonder what is wrong with their judgment/reasoning! They get to the point in their lives where they have all the money, can pay all their bills, have a big beautiful home, drive the nicest cars, can have a sense of freedom that the average joe or jane doesn't and then...completely ruin their lives. Same goes for sports players, preachers, etc. ??? I'll never understand it.


Well-known member
What makes you think his wife didn't know and endorse his behaviour? By all accounts she is a very smart lady, you can bet she knew what was going on. I just feel sorry for his kids.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Odette
What makes you think his wife didn't know and endorse his behaviour? By all accounts she is a very smart lady, you can bet she knew what was going on. I just feel sorry for his kids.

I guess she could have known, but i don't understand why any woman would stick around when her husband is cheating. I'd worry about diseases too.


Well-known member
I think maybe the wives know, but sometimes they may be in denial. She might be figuring how can he be with anyone else because he has a security detail traveling with him at all times. I wonder how she did not know he was spending so much money. Maybe she's doing what she wants and did not care what he was doing. She apparently did not want him to resign. Some women like being with so called powerful men. Look at Hilary Clinton. She stood by Bill, but at least Bill got his game on for free. He didn't even have to leave the White House or spend any money. LOL I just hope that Mrs. Spitzer gets paid for standing by that sleaze bag.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MACa6325xi
I think maybe the wives know, but sometimes they may be in denial. She might be figuring how can he be with anyone else because he has a security detail traveling with him at all times. I wonder how she did not know he was spending so much money. Maybe she's doing what she wants and did not care what he was doing. She apparently did not want him to resign. Some women like being with so called powerful men. Look at Hilary Clinton. She stood by Bill, but at least Bill got his game on for free. He didn't even have to leave the White House or spend any money. LOL I just hope that Mrs. Spitzer gets paid for standing by that sleaze bag.

I think Hilary stayed with Bill to further her political ambitions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by pumpkincat210
I think Hilary stayed with Bill to further her political ambitions.

I totally agree with you. I think they are both very bright people who have an interesting relationship. Bill is really smart and some women find that really attractive. Spitzer was smart, but he wasn't smart enough to hide his money transfers.


Well-known member
Spitzer is such a sanctimonious, holier-than-thou jerk- that's why its such a huge deal, I think. He's been a merciless moral crusader for a long time and he's destroyed many lives. He's been impotent as a governer and he's created a stand-still in Albany do to his personality and inability to treat colleagues with respect.

I don't care about prostitution at all. In fact, I think it should be legal so that women can have some sort of recourse when they are abused by pimps or johns. But its still illegal and it looks like he probably used government funds to pay for his dalliances. What's more, his body guards, police escorts etc. were probably complicit (sound familiar?) That's corruption. There's also something much larger at work that we don't know about yet, I'd bet.

He's an insane hypocrit and I'm glad to see him fall.

I do, however, feel terrible for his wife and daughters. She chose to stand by though and I don't judge her for that choice. I hope she and her girls can keep as much dignity as possible.


Well-known member
I suppose we can ask why many women stay by the men who cheat on them... and we know there have been a LOT in the media in the last few years. I suppose love may be one of the interest$... LOL

Whilst I despise men who feel they need the "companionship" only a "hired woman" can give (that excuse is pathetic IMHO) I do tend to see a shift to pure blame on the man and nothing to the escort. Yes, I know it is a job, and yes, I know they don't ask for these clients. Had I been in the position of the escort I would keep a dignified silence out of respect of the whole situation and those hurt by it. But the sad thing is her name and face is splashed all across the media and his poor family have to deal with that as well.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by chameleonmary
I suppose we can ask why many women stay by the men who cheat on them... and we know there have been a LOT in the media in the last few years. I suppose love may be one of the interest$... LOL

Whilst I despise men who feel they need the "companionship" only a "hired woman" can give (that excuse is pathetic IMHO) I do tend to see a shift to pure blame on the man and nothing to the escort. Yes, I know it is a job, and yes, I know they don't ask for these clients. Had I been in the position of the escort I would keep a dignified silence out of respect of the whole situation and those hurt by it. But the sad thing is her name and face is splashed all across the media and his poor family have to deal with that as well.

I don't feel sorry for her because she chose an illegal profession or at least she chose to do something illegal through her "escort job" I would have probably talked too in this circumstance if I'd been threatened by the fbi.


Well-known member
blah blah spitzer blah blah... i feel sorry for the hooker. if i was a prostitute i wuld't want to be part of a scandal. i'd just wanna do my job, get my money, and get on with life. Hey, it might launch her music career...


Well-known member
I def do not feel bad for the hooker. This is probably the best thing to happen to her. She will be able to sell stories pictures if she has any and she wants to be in the lime light. I think his wife didn't know about the hookers.At the press confrence she looked rattled. I think she was only there so that the press would leave her and her children alone.


Well-known member
What a scumbag. I do not feel sorry for him, and I do not feel sorry for that hooker either. I think both of them need to reap the consequences of their actions in full. Who I do feel sorry for are his family and the citizens of New York. Both his family and the people were lied to by this clownshoes.

For a while I thought he was going to pull a Larry Craig (remember that guy?) on us. Still, why he did not resign immediately and transfer his gubernatorial power to David Paterson is beyond me.


Well-known member
I live in Rochester, NY when I'm in the US. This story actually made the news here in New Zealand.

I voted for Eliot Spitzer. I don't care if he's a jerk or not: he was very effective as our state attorney general. And he may have managed the same as governor if he had managed to stay in office longer than 15 months; he didn't get off to a very good start. But it's a moot point now because he resigned.

Prostitution is legal in a lot of places, and as a public health official I accept the fact that people have sex and not always with the people that they are supposed to. So I personally don't care who he slept with: that's between him and his wife. I didn't vote the guy into office to be my moral and ethical beacon: I voted to represent my interests as a tax paying New Yorker. And I seriously doubt that he payed for the escorts with taxpayer dollars: he is the independently wealthy heir to a multimillion dollar fortune.

So if Silda wants to tolerate his behavior, that's her business. I do feel sorry for her if she ends up leaving him. If she stays with him, I have no sympathy for her at all. Personally, I think she will leave him: she looked like she wanted to push him off the podium during the resignation speech.

When Governor Paterson gets sworn in on Monday, the state government will return to business as usual. It will be as inefficient as always, but the rest of the country and world just won't notice because the scandal has died down.

Note to soon to be Governor Paterson: If you or any of your staff happen to be reading this, please lower our property taxes