All this talk about joining this thread and I'm only now popping in here. Tsk. Hope I'm not too late. Thanks
@PixieDancer and
@Serenityy for coming up with this thread! :kiss:
@HerGreyness , I am so sorry to hear about your losses. Your post is truly an inspiration and the wake-up call I think a lot of us try to avoid at times. Very glad to hear that you're managing to take your experiences and attribute them to positive changes and growth. :bouquet:
@Audrey C , I
need you to stay in this thread! Hopefully that doesn't sound as weird as I think it does o_o But all of your posts have hit it exactly on the head, especially about unthinking purchases messing up future goals. My makeup and food shopping habits really add up over time, but when I'm spending $3 here and $8 there and buying a $18 lipstick every so often, it really does snowball. I really want to change that this coming year, and I'm hoping that like everyone's been saying, my reformed makeup shopping habits will bleed into all my other shopping habits. I used to be so much better at saving money before I had a job... I feel like I want too much now and I'm losing sight of the bigger picture. /: That being said, my goal for 2014 is to be strict and hold myself accountable. I'm going to do a low-buy because I know myself, and a no-buy would just send me in the complete opposite direction. At least a "low-buy" makes my brain
think there's a chance of me actually getting new stuff without the guilt, shame, and disappointment that would lead to me completely scrapping the whole thing. So first up, trick myself into thinking I have the option, and then talk myself out of whatever it is I'm considering. Make sense? Some specifics: -
No more lipgloss. I have 22, 3 of which are unopened. I don't even really like lipgloss because I talk a lot (LOL, can you tell?) and I'm always drinking water so it transfers everywhere. If I can stick to this, I'll reward myself with BUXOM Dolly at the end of the year, because I got a mini (slightly smaller than a CSG) from a Sephora bag thing and I have like 1-3 uses left.
- Stay away from MAC quads. I just can't justify these for the price. Maybe it's because I know MAC never has sales, but I can't reconcile that I'll drop $40-44 on four shadows I've used 1-2x since, but then wait seven months for 20% off on LORAC Unzipped, which I did last year. Even though it's $40 too with six more shadows and my HG eye primer and I actually use it all the time. Gotta stop that.
- Actually, stay away from palettes in general. Always getting sucked into the "value" of things, but what value is it if I don't even use them enough to make it worth buying? Been doing pretty good with this for HE palettes, but I have to stop buying WNW trios and 8-pans that sit in my drawer untouched.
- Blush has got to be super-duper-out-of-this-world-special. Totally failed on not buying blush after NARS Pierre Hardy collection, both of which I haven't even used yet. >_> Really, I'm giving myself an "option" here in case NARS comes out with any LE blushes that catch my eye.
- No more eyeliner, especially black, brown, or anything that resembles MAC Undercurrent. - No mascaras. Easy, because I don't like mascara that much and I have enough minis from Sephora to last the year. And the two hardest...
- Lipstick: I need help!!! This is the most out-of-control portion of my collection. I have three problems: 1) I just love lippies too much in general, 2) I'm always interested in trying out new formulas, and 3) I always willfully dupe myself, esp. if it's a new formula. I can't count the number of times I'll pick up a lipstick, go "Oh, this reminds me of such-and-such, which I love!" and buy it for that very reason. -_________- Messed-up logic. I don't want to say no lipsticks because I know I'll fail, but I do need to place some sort of limit otherwise I'll just keep buying too many. Any suggestions? /:
- Back-ups: This mainly has to do with the lipsticks, too. I don't do it often, but once I do I have a hard time letting them go. Lbr, I have so many lipsticks that I probably won't even finish all of them, let alone get to the couple of back-ups I have. Should I be strict and say no back-ups whatsoever? I should, right?

hboy: Oh dear. I am sorrying to talking (posting?) your ears off, but I am wishing upon stars that posting this where other people can help me stay accountable will allow me to stick to these goals. -sigh-