Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
This last paragraph is SO true! I honestly don't have skipper's remorse for anything. Because you can always find something else that you like. And it's so true about the novelty. After awhile it goes in the drawer and often you forget you have it. The ones that I remember the most are ones that I bought when I only bought occasionally. If I could just stop buying stuff to get that temporary happiness and find something free!
PREACH! When I purchase less things, I feel I am able to thoroughly enjoy what I've purchased. When I used to haul a lot... I would be so overwhelmed when the box(es) arrived, I'd sometimes leave things unused out of feeling lost on where to start with such a large amount of new products. So I found I only ended up using a few things regularly out of these large hauls. So OBVIOUSLY, those are the only things I should've bought! Now I try to apply that logic. It IS hard... don't get me wrong. I feel the struggle!
There are LOTS of free ways to feel that happiness. You (we) just have yourself (ourselves) trained in a certain way. We need to un-train and un-learn those behaviors and triggers. And THAT my dear is why we are all here! I believe we did a lot to get ourselves where we are. We can certainly get ourselves somewhere else. ANYWHERE else that's not a place where we feel like slaves to products!


Well-known member
I've read an excerpt of that and it's incredible. I have the book, but I have to read the entire thing. It completely changed how I view tourism. I would say 'lucky girl to be doing a paper on such a cool book, but alas....a paper is a paper. LOL. Hang in there - I remember those days well!!! xo
Oh it's a wonderful book. It completely changed my view on tourism as well. It's amazing. But I hate writing papers, no matter how much I love the book.


Well-known member
herGreyness, You are always taking a leap of faith when you decide to give someone a chance with your heart--don't be hard on yourself. Sometimes it just takes time to see someone's true colours. Not being open to someone new is taking a chance too, because you could miss out on something wonderful, so it's a risk either way.
This times a million. Don't let anyone knock you off your square. Continue to be you.


Well-known member
:haha: Ciao bella! :wavey:  Enjoy the limoncello and all the nice things Italy has to offer. Someone does need his brows shaved... or rather waxed. Verrrry sllllowly.   Quote: I'm German. That's always my excuse, lol.
Hilar. Love me some Naynadine. :)


Well-known member
PREACH! When I purchase less things, I feel I am able to thoroughly enjoy what I've purchased. When I used to haul a lot... I would be so overwhelmed when the box(es) arrived, I'd sometimes leave things unused out of feeling lost on where to start with such a large amount of new products. So I found I only ended up using a few things regularly out of these large hauls. So OBVIOUSLY, those are the only things I should've bought! Now I try to apply that logic. It IS hard... don't get me wrong. I feel the struggle! There are LOTS of free ways to feel that happiness. You (we) just have yourself (ourselves) trained in a certain way. We need to un-train and un-learn those behaviors and triggers. And THAT my dear is why we are all here! I believe we did a lot to get ourselves where we are. We can certainly get ourselves somewhere else. ANYWHERE else that's not a place where we feel like slaves to products!
Are you sure you're not a psychologist? Such good observations! I never thought of it as being a habit, I thought I just had poor impulse control. There's always something, if it's not make up it's clothing, art supplies, something. Your post has been very thought-provoking. Making me think a lot about why I buy things, which is more complicated than I thought it was.


Well-known member
There are LOTS of free ways to feel that happiness. You (we) just have yourself (ourselves) trained in a certain way. We need to un-train and un-learn those behaviors and triggers. And THAT my dear is why we are all here! I believe we did a lot to get ourselves where we are. We can certainly get ourselves somewhere else. ANYWHERE else that's not a place where we feel like slaves to products!
Are you sure you're not a psychologist? Such good observations! I never thought of it as being a habit, I thought I just had poor impulse control. There's always something, if it's not make up it's clothing, art supplies, something. Your post has been very thought-provoking. Making me think a lot about why I buy things, which is more complicated than I thought it was.
I buy things, specifically make-up, to feel good about myself.

At first, it was a case of I loved every colour and wanted one of everything. Well, I have that now. I still don't feel satisfied. Why? Because I'm sick. There isn't much I can do. I feel like I'm wasting my life away by sitting around twiddling my thumbs instead of studying the law degree I should be. Buying things for me, now, is something to make me "feel better". It's only temporary. It's never a full satisfaction. But for that moment it feels good, it's worth it. When I do my make-up, I feel like a normal person, not someone struggling day-to-day to just get up and shower. I don't however need anywhere near as much as I have to choose from.

The problem I have - is I know WHY I buy, I just can't STOP it. I need to find something else to do that will make me feel good about myself other than purchasing the newest lipstick on the market. I looked into crocheting/knitting things, but my hands hurt too much for the repetitive movements and I don't have the patience.


Well-known member
I buy things, specifically make-up, to feel good about myself. At first, it was a case of I loved every colour and wanted one of everything.  Well, I have that now.  I still don't feel satisfied.  Why?  Because I'm sick.  There isn't much I can do.  I feel like I'm wasting my life away by sitting around twiddling my thumbs instead of studying the law degree I should be.  Buying things for me, now, is something to make me "feel better".  It's only temporary.  It's never a full satisfaction.  But for that moment it feels good, it's worth it.  When I do my make-up, I feel like a normal person, not someone struggling day-to-day to just get up and shower.  I don't however need anywhere near as much as I have to choose from. The problem I have - is I know WHY I buy, I just can't STOP it.  I need to find something else to do that will make me feel good about myself other than purchasing the newest lipstick on the market.  I looked into crocheting/knitting things, but my hands hurt too much for the repetitive movements and I don't have the patience.  :haha:
Oh Peach, I can understand that. Sometimes I think it's not a bad thing to buy things to make yourself feel good. Everyone does SOMETHING to make themselves happy. But then I think "I don't need any more make-up, I have plenty, so I shouldn't buy any more." But then what can I do? I also can't go out and do much, and I get bored. For awhile I made jewelry and I did enjoy that - it's similar to make up in that the crystals and beads are so colorful and pretty. But eventually I had SO much of it. I sold some but I had way more than I could sell. I buy clothes, too, which is getting stupid because I don't go anywhere to wear them. Is there any way that you could take some classes on line? I know that here in the U.S. there are some reputable schools that are offering at least some classes online. I keep thinking I should do that but I can't decide what subject would be best.


Well-known member
How about trying Skillshare? Those are usually pretty cheap online courses (around $19.00 or I guess about 10 pounds), and it's fun to post assignments and see what everybody else is doing, kind of like Specktra. You work at your own pace, and there's absolutely no pressure, so a good way to get your feet wet. They even have a monthly membership of about $9.95 to take unlimited classes but I would start with just one to see if you like it. I did some of the fashion illustration ones, and it was really fun. But they have all sorts of classes. peachTwist, if you have trouble doing repetitive motions, maybe try something like collage that wouldn't be as hard on your hands as knitting/crochet. Just get a cheap sketchbook and some glue and cheap paints, and just play with colours and don't worry about the results! Here's the address for Skillshare:

Audrey C

Well-known member
I'll always be a fan of Christine's, and I genuinely believe that she rates products fairly (based on her perspective, of course). She doesn't (IMO) just favour high end brands. I just sorted all her recent MAC reviews and scanned down the ratings. Then I did the same for Tom Ford. There are LOTS of low marks for his recent launches. I think she has a high bar, and she holds everyone to it. Now, that doesn't mean that everyone has such high standards or expectations, but I've always appreciated her candour and willingness to say when she things something sucks or is mediocre. It's not a given that I'll feel the same way, but I think the woman has a right to post her opinions on her own blog. I respect that she's not just a fangirl; there are more than enough blogs out there like that already.

I agree with many of her assessments of MAC products (positive or negative), but certainly not all. While I'm entirely satisfied with some of their products (the lippies I carefully choose, my two e/s palettes, EDSF), now that I've branched into other brands I've found better alternatives for liners (UD), blush (NARS, Hourglass), setting powders (HG)…and the list goes on.

MAC was my gateway drug and I have a ton of their products that I really love, but as I replace them my money is invariably going to other brands (except for lipstick and a few staple items). I've gotten rid of most of my MSF; they just aren't as finely milled as I now like.

I get that MAC is mid-range and that it's not fair to compare a MSF a higher price offering by HG, Dior, Guerlain…but I'm not particularly price sensitive (within reason) if I love a product and now that I'm buying far less I'm perfectly willing to spend more for an alternative that I think is higher quality. I can totally see how constant exposure to fabulous products have made her a harder marker; that's happening to me too. I don't think that means she hates MAC.

HG, sorry to hear that things didn't work out with Bert. I personally don't think it's a mistake to take a chance on intimacy and happiness; people can and do let us down but we stand to lose just as much by never letting others in.

Also, I must confess that I really struggled this week to NOT buy the new Dior Rose powder and the Guerlain Terracotta bronzer. I don't even care how much they are. They're gorgeous, and beautiful powders are my Achilles' Heel. I did treat myself to a bunch of Paula's Choice products (I've been really happy with the few I've tried) and that's all good, but I don't want to buy more makeup. I keep telling myself to wait another week and the craving will fade. If I'm lucky they'll sell out. Please.

My husband suggested getting one for Mother's Day - I'm having so much trouble NOT letting him. Help.


Well-known member
I'll always be a fan of Christine's, and I genuinely believe that she rates products fairly (based on her perspective, of course). She doesn't (IMO) just favour high end brands. I just sorted all her recent MAC reviews and scanned down the ratings. Then I did the same for Tom Ford. There are LOTS of low marks for his recent launches. I think she has a high bar, and she holds everyone to it. Now, that doesn't mean that everyone has such high standards or expectations, but I've always appreciated her candour and willingness to say when she things something sucks or is mediocre. It's not a given that I'll feel the same way, but I think the woman has a right to post her opinions on her own blog. I respect that she's not just a fangirl; there are more than enough blogs out there like that already.

I agree with many of her assessments of MAC products (positive or negative), but certainly not all. While I'm entirely satisfied with some of their products (the lippies I carefully choose, my two e/s palettes, EDSF), now that I've branched into other brands I've found better alternatives for liners (UD), blush (NARS, Hourglass), setting powders (HG)…and the list goes on.

MAC was my gateway drug and I have a ton of their products that I really love, but as I replace them my money is invariably going to other brands (except for lipstick and a few staple items). I've gotten rid of most of my MSF; they just aren't as finely milled as I now like.

I get that MAC is mid-range and that it's not fair to compare a MSF a higher price offering by HG, Dior, Guerlain…but I'm not particularly price sensitive (within reason) if I love a product and now that I'm buying far less I'm perfectly willing to spend more for an alternative that I think is higher quality. I can totally see how constant exposure to fabulous products have made her a harder marker; that's happening to me too. I don't think that means she hates MAC.

HG, sorry to hear that things didn't work out with Bert. I personally don't think it's a mistake to take a chance on intimacy and happiness; people can and do let us down but we stand to lose just as much by never letting others in.

Also, I must confess that I really struggled this week to NOT buy the new Dior Rose powder and the Guerlain Terracotta bronzer. I don't even care how much they are. They're gorgeous, and beautiful powders are my Achilles' Heel. I did treat myself to a bunch of Paula's Choice products (I've been really happy with the few I've tried) and that's all good, but I don't want to buy more makeup. I keep telling myself to wait another week and the craving will fade. If I'm lucky they'll sell out. Please.

My husband suggested getting one for Mother's Day - I'm having so much trouble NOT letting him. Help.
well, do you need another bronzer? i can't speak for the Dior highlighter as i caved and bought it but i don't think it's LE so you can hold off on that but as pretty as that Guerlain is i hear it looks similar each year. Do you have any of the others?

Audrey C

Well-known member
well, do you need another bronzer? i can't speak for the Dior highlighter as i caved and bought it but i don't think it's LE so you can hold off on that but as pretty as that Guerlain is i hear it looks similar each year. Do you have any of the others?
I have no Guerlain products at all. I have two bronzers; MAC Matte Bronze and MAC Sun Dipped. Until this year, I've never used them. I've started to now though; I'm trying hard to erase as much sun damage (brown spots, hyper pigmentation) as possible and am very committed to not allowing myself to tan at all this year. So I suspect I'll use them throughout the summer, but then revert back to embracing my lighter skin tone in the fall.

I have no idea how quickly I'll go through a bronzer since I've never used one up. These two could be one summer's worth or five year's worth - I have no way of estimating. So I suspect the answer is that I don't need one. The Guerlain one is just huge (16 gm!) so I have to think that would take ages to get through - several summers.

Unfortunately, that isn't make me want it any less.


Well-known member
Day :
Chanel Coco Shine in Adventure
Dior Rose Shimmer
Urban Decay Naked 3 Palette

done with the N3. good riddence for now, i will try it again towards the end of the month. i have way too many palettes to do a whole week each but i like the idea of using each palette for a few days each. i like it, i like the colors but i can't justify owning it if i'm never going to grab for it and be bored so fast. i can get the same looks from too many other palettes. i'll try it again at a later date. (naked 1 & 2 are still in boxes) why? why?? why??? LOL


Well-known member
I buy things, specifically make-up, to feel good about myself.

At first, it was a case of I loved every colour and wanted one of everything. Well, I have that now. I still don't feel satisfied. Why? Because I'm sick. There isn't much I can do. I feel like I'm wasting my life away by sitting around twiddling my thumbs instead of studying the law degree I should be. Buying things for me, now, is something to make me "feel better". It's only temporary. It's never a full satisfaction. But for that moment it feels good, it's worth it. When I do my make-up, I feel like a normal person, not someone struggling day-to-day to just get up and shower. I don't however need anywhere near as much as I have to choose from.

The problem I have - is I know WHY I buy, I just can't STOP it. I need to find something else to do that will make me feel good about myself other than purchasing the newest lipstick on the market. I looked into crocheting/knitting things, but my hands hurt too much for the repetitive movements and I don't have the patience.

You absolutely CAN! And you have... You just need to believe in your power over the product(s). Stop equating a product with happiness. The happiness should come from feeling good about yourself. If you feel good about yourself when you do your makeup... by all means do your makeup! But that doesn't mean every new lipstick or blush is going to make you prettier! You're beautiful with it or without it. If we think about the ONE thing we could grab if our houses were on fire... I HIGHLY doubt it would be the newest MAC lipstick! It would be a keepsake from our childhood, a beloved pet, a photo album... because that's when we think about what REALLY matters. And it's not the THINGS at all. It's the memories or feelings that are attached to them. As much as I LOVE a MAC lipstick, it doesn't love me back. Or remind me where I came from. So it can burn down. I know you don't feel well. And that has to suck! But I know you have reasons to smile that have nothing to do with things. And realizing that things don't equal happiness is the best place to start.

Is there any way that you could take some classes on line? I know that here in the U.S. there are some reputable schools that are offering at least some classes online. I keep thinking I should do that but I can't decide what subject would be best.
Yes! I agree! If something makes you feel good... it can't be a bad thing to feel happy. But be careful not to buy into the superficial kinds of happiness. I think taking online classes is a GREAT idea! Who cares what subject it is?! Find one that interests you and just try it! Learning and growing our minds is NEVER going to be a bad decision. I 100% think you should do just that!!

Quote: Originally Posted by Audrey C
Also, I must confess that I really struggled this week to NOT buy the new Dior Rose powder and the Guerlain Terracotta bronzer. I don't even care how much they are. They're gorgeous, and beautiful powders are my Achilles' Heel. I did treat myself to a bunch of Paula's Choice products (I've been really happy with the few I've tried) and that's all good, but I don't want to buy more makeup. I keep telling myself to wait another week and the craving will fade. If I'm lucky they'll sell out. Please.

My husband suggested getting one for Mother's Day - I'm having so much trouble NOT letting him. Help.
If hubby wants to get you a pretty for Mother's Day... you let him! It's a gift. And it's something you know you don't need. Which... who wants a gift of something practical. Look, it's either the pretty bronzer or powder OR a Swiffer Wet Jet! LOL That just sounds silly! Enjoy the fact that he wants to get you something completely impractical as a reward for all your practical Mother behavior!! LOL


Well-known member
well, do you need another bronzer? i can't speak for the Dior highlighter as i caved and bought it but i don't think it's LE so you can hold off on that but as pretty as that Guerlain is i hear it looks similar each year. Do you have any of the others?
I have no Guerlain products at all. I have two bronzers; MAC Matte Bronze and MAC Sun Dipped. Until this year, I've never used them. I've started to now though; I'm trying hard to erase as much sun damage (brown spots, hyper pigmentation) as possible and am very committed to not allowing myself to tan at all this year. So I suspect I'll use them throughout the summer, but then revert back to embracing my lighter skin tone in the fall.

I have no idea how quickly I'll go through a bronzer since I've never used one up. These two could be one summer's worth or five year's worth - I have no way of estimating. So I suspect the answer is that I don't need one. The Guerlain one is just huge (16 gm!) so I have to think that would take ages to get through - several summers.

Unfortunately, that isn't make me want it any less.
lol well, i was looking at it as well. My thoughts were.. will i use enough of it to justify it's price. i will never get through or pan any of the items i have but i like the variety. you say you have 2 bronzers, have you tried them recently? do both of them work well for you? i have one for summer and one for fall/winter time but i notice i dont wear much makeup in the summer so i'm trying to see if i can justify it's worth. i prefer the the bronzer look instead of real tanning as my father had skin cancer so I don't want to take any risks. have you looked up swatches and the skin tones that are wearing it? which do you like better, the matte or the sun dipped? is the guerlain matte? you can always get it and try it but you have to make sure you'll return it if you don't like it. (i won't lol) If you can justify that you will at least use it's worth I say go for it before it's to late, especially since it's such a nice gift for mothers day.

Audrey C

Well-known member
If hubby wants to get you a pretty for Mother's Day... you let him! It's a gift. And it's something you know you don't need. Which... who wants a gift of something practical. Look, it's either the pretty bronzer or powder OR a Swiffer Wet Jet! LOL That just sounds silly! Enjoy the fact that he wants to get you something completely impractical as a reward for all your practical Mother behavior!! LOL
LMAO! If that boy has learned anything after 22 years of marriage, it's to NOT buy something like a Wet Jet. He is Mr. Practical though and he thinks I'm hard to buy for. Last year he didn't know what to get me so he bought a Starbucks gift card. Um…thanks for the personal touch? (Not that I said that, of course).

How long does a regular sized MAC bronzer last you? I've only been using mine recently and I have absolutely no idea how long they'll last. The Matte Bronze was my daughter's (skating) so it has some use, but only a faint dip. The team switched to a Rimmel bronzer this year so I inherited it.

Audrey C

Well-known member
lol well, i was looking at it as well. My thoughts were.. will i use enough of it to justify it's price. i will never get through or pan any of the items i have but i like the variety. you say you have 2 bronzers, have you tried them recently? do both of them work well for you? i have one for summer and one for fall/winter time but i notice i dont wear much makeup in the summer so i'm trying to see if i can justify it's worth. i prefer the the bronzer look instead of real tanning as my father had skin cancer so I don't want to take any risks. have you looked up swatches and the skin tones that are wearing it? which do you like better, the matte or the sun dipped? is the guerlain matte? you can always get it and try it but you have to make sure you'll return it if you don't like it. (i won't lol) If you can justify that you will at least use it's worth I say go for it before it's to late, especially since it's such a nice gift for mothers day.
AHA! Now the truth comes out. LOL

Both of the bronzers I have are MAC. Sun Dipped is very natural looking; Matte Bronze is a bit deeper (although I don't apply it heavily). Both are red-toned and look good on my skin.

Not many people have posted swatches of the Guerlain bronzer yet because it's just out (and it's freaking $80). I like the pics I've seen. I have myself convinced that it would be a great thing to bring on our trip to the UK this summer because it has both bronzer and a couple of blush shades.

Who am I kidding? I'm caving as I write this.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
HeeHee I certainly probably could be as much people analyzing I do!! It's helped me through life... trying to assess why people do what they do and think like they think. It's mostly just realizing that you never REALLY know what's going on in another person's life to make them act or speak a certain way. It's a daily education in humility and acceptance.
Thinking about the "WHY" behind the things we do/say is the only way to REALLY make a change. If you don't fix/change the "WHY" then you can only hope for temporary fixes.
It IS way more complicated than we all think it is. That's why the struggle is so real. You think "I control this. I can stop anytime I want." It's almost ALWAYS harder than just realizing that we need to fix something. Consider women in abusive relationships. We ask ourselves WHY would someone put up with that. We can't possibly understand the WHY. I certainly believe that most humans believe they have a right to happiness. But WHY do some people choose to ignore that? THAT is the WHY! In many cases it's year of feeling worthless. Thinking they aren't good enough. So in many cases, it's harder than just the awareness that they deserve better. They need to get to a place where they believe it and can put actions in affect to force the change.
It's no different from many other psychologically crippling situations... hoarding, excessive spending, not taking care of ourselves physically... We first need to BELIEVE we can make the change. To realize we are BIGGER than a makeup product. That we can be happy without it. To skip it, and see that life doesn't end. And little by little, forming newer and better habits to replace the bad ones will help us accomplish the bigger goal. I know we can do this! I just had no idea how many of us needed this place as much as I did! You all are my ROCKS!
Love this! You're so motivational, lady!


Well-known member
lol well, i was looking at it as well. My thoughts were.. will i use enough of it to justify it's price. i will never get through or pan any of the items i have but i like the variety. you say you have 2 bronzers, have you tried them recently? do both of them work well for you? i have one for summer and one for fall/winter time but i notice i dont wear much makeup in the summer so i'm trying to see if i can justify it's worth. i prefer the the bronzer look instead of real tanning as my father had skin cancer so I don't want to take any risks. have you looked up swatches and the skin tones that are wearing it? which do you like better, the matte or the sun dipped? is the guerlain matte? you can always get it and try it but you have to make sure you'll return it if you don't like it. (i won't lol) If you can justify that you will at least use it's worth I say go for it before it's to late, especially since it's such a nice gift for mothers day.

AHA! Now the truth comes out. LOL

Both of the bronzers I have are MAC. Sun Dipped is very natural looking; Matte Bronze is a bit deeper (although I don't apply it heavily). Both are red-toned and look good on my skin.

Not many people have posted swatches of the Guerlain bronzer yet because it's just out (and it's freaking $80). I like the pics I've seen. I have myself convinced that it would be a great thing to bring on our trip to the UK this summer because it has both bronzer and a couple of blush shades.

Who am I kidding? I'm caving as I write this.
GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY! post swatches too HAHA

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