Resolution "LOW-BUY" 2014! Who wants to play?


Well-known member
Is it me or the cattiness and nastiness seems to manifest in primarily the Mac threads? Can't afford to buy only high end stuff but in most cases there appear to be more class, decorum and civility. The Mac price points tend to bring out all kind of unsavory characters. Not everyone but its a observation that the high end threads seems a bit "different" in a good polished sophisticated way.


Well-known member
Can't afford to buy only high end stuff but in most cases there appear to be more class, decorum and civility. The Mac price points tend to bring out all kind of unsavory characters. Not everyone but its a observation that the high end threads seems a bit "different" in a good polished sophisticated way.
I can't speak for the high end threads, but the threads that are not collection focused do tend to be friendlier.


Well-known member
Can't afford to buy only high end stuff but in most cases there appear to be more class, decorum and civility. The Mac price points tend to bring out all kind of unsavory characters. Not everyone but its a observation that the high end threads seems a bit "different" in a good polished sophisticated way.
That's an interesting observation.. I don't go in too many other threads often so I can't comment on that but I could see it. And I agree with @CrimsonQuill157, the threads not based on a collection seem to be significantly more civil.


Well-known member
I can't speak for the high end threads, but the threads that are not collection focused do tend to be friendlier.
Is it me or the cattiness and nastiness seems to manifest in primarily the Mac threads? Can't afford to buy only high end stuff but in most cases there appear to be more class, decorum and civility. The Mac price points tend to bring out all kind of unsavory characters. Not everyone but its a observation that the high end threads seems a bit "different" in a good polished sophisticated way.
I think it might also be because it's a very "gotta catch'em all" mentality


Well-known member
@HerGreyness It's not the cosmetics we were necessarily talking about being anxious about - although I think that's a legitimate problem for some people - just the culture in the threads. For whatever reason, tensions always start to run high at certain points. I completely agree with everything you've said about due diligence. I can also see where some of the new members are coming from. However, neither of those points are really at issue for me. My main complaint is that I needed a break from the cycle - and I don't think that's an unreasonable thing to say. I'm sure you can understand that it's exhausting reading the same comments over and over again. This is the first time I've tried to keep up with a few major threads at a time and I got burnt out really fast. That's all. Also, I've tried to keep up with this thread while I've been making purchases, but I don't see it as abandoning the thread and coming back only to complain. (I hope everyone would call me out on it if that's what it seems like I'm doing.) I'm just getting myself back on track and talking out what went wrong and how I can do better next time, with people who may be feeling the same things. That's exactly what this thread is for IMO.  Quote: To clarify, I wasn't talking about the existence of the secret pm system. I support that completely! My only problem is the open flaunting of the system that is supposedly secret.. lol. It doesn't make sense to me, and seems to only serve the purpose of creating tension. And trust me, the trolling is noticeable even for those who have no idea what the situation was! I've noticed you trying to calm things down, kudos for that! I'm not sure there's any resolution.. there will always be personalities that clash and the Internet just exacerbates that. GOOD JOB on the 3 LE items! You're my hero! :heart:
100% agree. I don't think anyone comes here to gripe, but when we're here this feels a safe haven so we are comfortable letting off some steam when we feel we need to without taking it out on anyone on the other threads.


Veteran Moderator
Staff member
Can't afford to buy only high end stuff but in most cases there appear to be more class, decorum and civility. The Mac price points tend to bring out all kind of unsavory characters. Not everyone but its a observation that the high end threads seems a bit "different" in a good polished sophisticated way.
It's because with those other brands you can take your time if you want to buy something, whereas with MAC you have to stalk and even lose sleep if you want to get certain items. Plus they launch what feels like 10 collections each month. Add confusing release dates, cancelled orders, etc... MAC has people on the edge of sanity, lol.


Well-known member
I can't speak for the high end threads, but the threads that are not collection focused do tend to be friendlier.
I think you're right, it's not a price point issue so much as a LE, time-pressured collection issue. Buying Mac LE is by it's nature a competitive business and although we're all here to be part of a community, it's inevitable that the competition spills over here when the heat is most on.


Well-known member
Wow, all nice and well put responses! Thanks everyone. No other thread beat TLB. We can definitely teach "class" here, lol


Well-known member
I'm an accountant... Trust me I know exactly where my money is and how much I've spent. Unfortunately I went through a pretty nasty quarter life crisis and still going through it and makeup became my little escape. It always made me feel awesome to have a new blush or eye shadow and play with new looks. Its still okay to do that, but I need to channel my feelings into something productive
[quote I am sorry if my comment came off as critical of you. I was just trying to be helpful, not critical. I was speaking about my own experience, so any criticism you may have perceived was directed at myself, if anyone, not you.


Well-known member
[quote I am sorry if my comment came off as critical of you. I was just trying to be helpful, not critical. I was speaking about my own experience, so any criticism you may have perceived was directed at myself, if anyone, not you.
Oh no, please don't take my comment as harsh either. Constructive criticism is always welcome by myself and I hope I didn't offend you. And I appreciate your help and ideas and I respect your stories and your journey. :)


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by HerGreyness
Debbs, as you know I am an equal opportunity buyer. I buy from MAC when I want a product in a nice casing, otherwise I don't really need to. I do buy from Chanel, Armani, TF and others, and have noticed as you said that there is more class, more decorum and civility.. that said, there is SO MUCH decorum and civility that many times I post a question (since I don't work with Chanel or Armani, but do with TF sometimes) and rarely do I get a response. No skin off my nose. I know where to look. So, I feel more in my metier in MAC threads. The chill in HE MU is tangible sometimes.. and it's how I do not wish to treat any ladies on the MAC threads. Nor do I ever treat anyone in a derrogatory manner, make fun or look for problems. But I have been insulted in the MAC threads and that's not something I relish coming in here for. I won't go into details but frankly it's tedious and boring.

I do understand @jennyap that the general cycle of MAC is quite crazy.. but that's MAC. And that's how it's marketed and how it will be in future. I know I had a to try to get a Chanel Notorius Blush. which was LE last year. I had to sell a boobie for that.. but I did it. And I am still alive and not yet totally crazy.
I think it's best for me at this point .. since my perception is that having been a person who has been here for a while, and that "secret pms" have been sent to me, or from me, that I not post for awhile. Other's who send or receive pms, are totally free to do so. Again, if you have such thin skin, then the internet is not for you. Frankly, it should be nobody's business what pms are sent to or from me. I would not accept that kind of imposition on real life, or on the internet.

For now, I will be out for awhile.. and many of you.. will be glad. I need some real time off and don't need either low buy, no buy or any buy for anything. I am essentially a fulfilled person, who calls a spade a spade.

best of luck to all.

@HerGreyness, I hope you didn't take any of my comments personally. I am not trying to attack anyone who sends or receives pms as I explained to @Naynadine. My only issue was that I see that as soon as someone posts an "I'll send you a pm about it" message on the threads, people get up in arms about it.. so it just doesn't seem productive to me. That's just my opinion.


Well-known member
Oh no, please don't take my comment as harsh either. Constructive criticism is always welcome by myself and I hope I didn't offend you. And I appreciate your help and ideas and I respect your stories and your journey. :)
Thanks, no worries. Reading my comment over, I could see how it could have come off that way, so wanted to clarify. I am not too happy about my running total to date, so need to take my own advice about pulling back halfway through the year! I am one of the falling off the wagon lately ladies HG was talking about, so need to get back on track myself.


Well-known member
[quote name="HerGreyness" url="/t/185789/resolution-low-buy-2014-who-wants-to-play/7080#post_2665335"] I do understand @jennyap   that the general  cycle of MAC is quite crazy.. but that's MAC. And that's how it's marketed and how it will be in future. I know I had a to try to get a Chanel Notorius Blush. which was LE last year.  I had to sell a boobie for that.. but I did it.  And I am still alive and not yet totally crazy. ' I think it's best for me at this point .. since my perception is that having been a person who has been here for a while, and that "secret pms" have been sent to me, or from me, that I not post for awhile. Other's who send or receive pms, are totally free to do so.  Again, if you have such thin skin, then the internet is not for you.  Frankly, it should be nobody's business what pms are sent to or from me.  I would not accept that kind of imposition on real life, or on the internet. For now, I will be out for awhile.. and many of you.. will be glad.  I need some real time off and don't need either low buy, no buy or any buy for anything.  I am essentially a fulfilled person, who calls a spade a spade. best of luck to all. [/quote] HG if anyone knows that it's surely you! I was just giving my own perception of why those threads have a different feel. It won't keep me away, I know what to expect, and I wouldn't sell a boobie for anything, least not makeup ;) Far be it from me to speak for Veronika but I thought her point about the PMs - and I don't know who if anyone she was referring to - is exactly that, that they're nobody's business, so why does anyone other than the parties involved need to even know they exist? When people post publicly that they're going to PM some on it comes across a bit "I know something you all don't and I won't share it but I still want you to know I know it" regardless of the fact that it's probably not meant like that. Eta curse my flaky internet connection tonight, seems like I'm always coming in too late! Forgot to say, I really don't think anyone here would be glad to see any one else of us stay away.


Well-known member
Far be it from me to speak for Veronika but I thought her point about the PMs - and I don't know who if anyone she was referring to - is exactly that, that they're nobody's business, so why does anyone other than the parties involved need to even know they exist? When people post publicly that they're going to PM some on it comes across a bit "I know something you all don't and I won't share it but I still want you to know I know it" regardless of the fact that it's probably not meant like that.
@jennyap, thank you for explaining that better than me. That's exactly what I meant, and I wasn't referring to anyone specifically! It just didn't make sense to me to publicly post that you'll send someone a pm.. they will find out that you've sent them a pm when they receive it.. lol.


Well-known member
Welcome new members & welcome back to not-so-new members. :heart: I'm so happy this thread is more active again. Loving the challenges people are posting. @PixieDancer another vote for you to keep posting your challenge! I really enjoyed seeing what you used. @jennyap I like your challenge too! Reminds me of those closet challenges where you turn the hangers backwards. When I did a "use all the things" couple months ago it really opened my eyes to how much I had and how many days I could go without repetition. Good luck! I've been working on unsubscribing from as many threads as possible.. Finally got down to 6!: Moody Blooms (for Black Ivy fluidline), Simpsons (curiosity), Collections Calendar (fear of missing out), Early Buzz (curiosity), TEAMLOWBUY (OBVIOUSLY :heart: ), and just added Theme Makeup (inspiration). I've always believed in reducing the elements in your life that affect you in a negative way, but I've been failing to apply that to this forum. I love talking to people who have the same interests, but the roller coaster of threads is becoming too much for me and outweighing the fun. From the rush of it being up, to the lists and "double dipping" that goes on when people see what everyone else bought, to not-so-secret pms, to the items selling out, to people getting upset that they missed out, to people starting unnecessary drama.. and just the sheer repetitiveness of it all. It's not my style and I don't really fit in with that cycle. Thought about it a lot before bed last night and I'm over it - or at the very least I need an extended break. Subscribing until the collection releases and then unsubscribing before all the madness starts will have to be my compromise I think. I'll miss the awesome looks people do with their new items but I can always check out FOTD posts or the theme makeup thread right?  I'm so glad that we're all feeling similar about needing to take a step back. It's been kind of an overwhelming couple of weeks here.. I know I've been swept up in it as well.. I'm partly thrilled because I've discovered some things I never thought I'd enjoy (metallic glosses & bronzer). BUT, now that I have them I want to make sure I give them as much love as I thought I would when I bought them.
Well saided I deleted some threads for the same reason I just what to say sometimes LET IT GO ITS JUST MAKEUP something that's supposed to be fun can go to the left real quick and I just don't have time of patience for all that mess


Well-known member
Is it me or the cattiness and nastiness seems to manifest in primarily the Mac threads? Can't afford to buy only high end stuff but in most cases there appear to be more class, decorum and civility. The Mac price points tend to bring out all kind of unsavory characters. Not everyone but its a observation that the high end threads seems a bit "different" in a good polished sophisticated way.
so true


Well-known member
Don't really know what's been going on in terms of drama in other threads lately, but I guess all the limited supply can bring out people's issues, coupled with the relative anonymity of the internet. This thread is generally a haven of sanity, though, and I would hate to see anyone leave, although of course I appreciate some might want to take a break from time to time. Sometimes it feels a little like we're pioneering an online group therapy session in here, so we should expect a few bumps, I suppose! And it can be hard to communicate precisely when we can't read people's facial expressions or hear the tone of their voices, which are obvious limitations of the Internet. But I think everyone means well, in this thread, at least.


Well-known member
AMEN! It's just makeup, girl please, get over it. I refuse to get anxious or upset about makeup. Steal for that matter to, as I've been swap lifted ...smh. I've had a couple ppl on her be rude, but like Jigga, I got 99 problems but a ___ ain't one. So appreciate all you lovely ladies in here. Plus it's not that big of a deal, I got kids if I was worry or be anxious lol.
Lmbo same here same here the truest I ever heard

Audrey C

Well-known member
I haven't been posting much because makeup is a fun pastime for me. There's frequently very little to call fun about far too many of the threads. Drama and angst are not my idea of a good time. I'm just way too old for nonsense and I think I'm just out of patience; it's just makeup.

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