reunited with my pro longwear lipstick!


Well-known member
my dad is going to meet my boyfriend tonight. of course, i'm pmsing so my skin is a mess. o_o we're going to my favourite steakhouse for dinner though, yum.



mac prep + prime skin
physician's formula mineral powder
too faced chocolate soliel
mac redhead msf

mac studio sculpt NC20 concealor
milani brow highlight
milani almondine e/s
mac cork e/s
mac coffee e/l
sephora atomic lash
smashbox bionic mascara

mac pink air/white top pro longwear


Well-known member
Yummmy ....made me want Mitchell's or Saltgrass....

You look beautiful! Love the Darker Hair!!!


Well-known member
reunited and it feels so good? It looks great on you... you look so put together. And man, steak! Sigh, Ruth's Chris, I miss you. That's one of the things my bf and dad bonded over... my bf got my dad to go from medium to medium-rare... now it's like their inside joke when my mom orders medium.