Ridiculous IM from a horny troll...


Well-known member
So this weird guy on AOL has IMed me a few times. Each time he asks me how old I am and where I live (gross) so I tell him my age but fudge my actual location. He doesn't talk about anything, he doesn't care to get to know me--which is irrelevent, I'm happily taken off the market--but it's amusing to me how gross guys are that they have to troll online.

Here's his latest (and very last) IM

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drakehammers (10:17:16 PM): how udoing?
drakehammers (10:18:42 PM): im 27 by poway, u?
me(10:20:14 PM): you have a horrible memory
me(10:20:21 PM): you IM me all the time asking the same questions
drakehammers (10:21:55 PM): ;p;
drakehammers (10:21:57 PM): lol ok
me(10:22:18 PM): i guess i'm forgettable
drakehammers (10:23:42 PM): ok or i havent been on aim for a year
me(10:23:49 PM): uh huh lol
drakehammers (10:24:10 PM): i havnt
drakehammers (10:24:11 PM): geeez
me(10:24:23 PM): a year is kind of an exageration
me(10:24:31 PM): unless you're military, then i might believe it
drakehammers (10:24:44 PM): no, age?
me(10:24:47 PM): 20
drakehammers (10:24:59 PM): were in sd? im 27
me(10:25:06 PM): south bay
drakehammers (10:25:13 PM): im by poway
me(10:25:19 PM): cool
drakehammers (10:25:26 PM): wutha doin tonite?
me(10:25:48 PM): watching tv
drakehammers (10:25:56 PM): come over
me(10:26:21 PM): no thanks
me(10:26:26 PM): i dont even know you
drakehammers (10:26:30 PM): im hot
me(10:26:41 PM): oh...that makes it okay then...
drakehammers (10:26:52 PM): lol, itd be fun
me(10:27:26 PM): i'm sure, but again..you're a total stranger to me. you don't even know anything about me except how old i am now that i've told you.
me(10:27:38 PM): for al you know, i'm a 45 year old obese guy named Arnold.
drakehammers (10:28:02 PM): oh ok then
me(10:28:09 PM): i'm not
me(10:28:11 PM): but i could be
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drakehammers (10:17:16 PM): how udoing?
drakehammers (10:18:42 PM): im 27 by poway, u?
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:20:14 PM): you have a horrible memory
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:20:21 PM): you IM me all the time asking the same questions
drakehammers (10:21:55 PM): ;p;
drakehammers (10:21:57 PM): lol ok
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:22:18 PM): i guess i'm forgettable
drakehammers (10:23:42 PM): ok or i havent been on aim for a year
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:23:49 PM): uh huh lol
drakehammers (10:24:10 PM): i havnt
drakehammers (10:24:11 PM): geeez
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:24:23 PM): a year is kind of an exageration
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:24:31 PM): unless you're military, then i might believe it
drakehammers (10:24:44 PM): no, age?
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:24:47 PM): 20
drakehammers (10:24:59 PM): were in sd? im 27
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:25:06 PM): south bay
drakehammers (10:25:13 PM): im by poway
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:25:19 PM): cool
drakehammers (10:25:26 PM): wutha doin tonite?
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:25:48 PM): watching tv
drakehammers (10:25:56 PM): come over
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:26:21 PM): no thanks
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:26:26 PM): i dont even know you
drakehammers (10:26:30 PM): im hot
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:26:41 PM): oh...that makes it okay then...
drakehammers (10:26:52 PM): lol, itd be fun
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:27:26 PM): i'm sure, but again..you're a total stranger to me. you don't even know anything about me except how old i am now that i've told you.
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:27:38 PM): for al you know, i'm a 45 year old obese guy named Arnold.
drakehammers (10:28:02 PM): oh ok then
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:28:09 PM): i'm not
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:28:11 PM): but i could be
drakehammers (10:41:52 PM): grrrrrrr
me (10:41:55 PM): what
drakehammers (10:42:03 PM): thong on?
me (10:42:08 PM): thats not your business
me (10:42:34 PM): whats your deal? why are you hitting on people that you don't know through your computer?
me (10:42:53 PM): if you're as hot as you say you are, you shouldn't have a problem getting women over to your house.
drakehammers (10:43:27 PM): im n ot
drakehammers (10:43:32 PM): got myspace
me (10:43:31 PM): yeah you are
drakehammers (10:43:33 PM): '
me (10:43:41 PM): you've IMed me asking me to come to your house like 5 times
me (10:43:51 PM): i dont even know you and you don't know me
drakehammers (10:43:54 PM): cum over
drakehammers (10:44:00 PM): be spontaneous

me (10:44:03 PM): it's not spontaneous
me (10:44:21 PM): its disgusting. if i wanted to fuck someone, I'd go out meet them face to face and not troll behind my computer.

1. Do not invite me over to your home; you're a stranger, and probably a sadistic rapist. Did he honestly think I'd wanna come over?
2. You're hot? So is all of San Diego county, we're in the middle of a heat wave. I still don't wanna come over, do not ask me again.

Is this really how men get women? Cuz last time I checked, this kinda stuff was how Matt Lauer filmed "To Catch A Predator." Now this is only amusing because I'm a 20 year old woman with more sense than to go to some strange "hot" guy's house for god knows what. But had I been a 14 year old girl? I shudder at the thought.

PS I'm done being amused, and I blocked him. I didn't edit out his screenname for a reason. Hopefully he doesn't prey on anyone successfully.


Well-known member
Omg that guy sounds totally gross but that was hillarious. This is my favorite bit:

Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:27:38 PM): for al you know, i'm a 45 year old obese guy named Arnold.
drakehammers (10:28:02 PM): oh ok then
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:28:09 PM): i'm not
Pr1ncessTnkrbL (10:28:11 PM): but i could be
drakehammers (10:41:52 PM): grrrrrrr
me (10:41:55 PM): what
drakehammers (10:42:03 PM): thong on?

That just cracked me up lol... Get a life dude!


Well-known member
Haha, oh wow, the anonymity a computer provides sure does make some guys bold as hell.


Well-known member
freak. you poor girl. i know how annoying those people are.

this is why i love the block function on my IM

funny story: there is someone on a dating site in the UK with a VERY similar email address (free email service) to mine. mine is [email protected], hers is [email protected] - the same screen name and domain name, apart from the .com & .co.uk bit.

now every loser that can't read properly tries to add her to IM, and adds me instead. i caught onto this pretty quick (thanks to them all saying how they found me on such and such site, the search function there did wonders) and i tell them they have the wrong person. 100% of them then try to pick me up (in ways similar to your transcript) until i eventually lose it, stop being polite and tell them "you're a loser, blocked now" and block them. i try to be nice about it, but there's only so much constant pestering that i can stand.

freaks, i tell you. these people shouldn't be allowed on the net.


Well-known member
Block him. You shouldn't put up with that. If you felt threatened by that you could call the police, too. But definitely block him.


Well-known member
Ugh! He seems like a really gross person...it makes you wonder whats really wrong with him.
When I was younger I used to visit chat rooms and just play around...the sad thing is that all kinds of men would chat with me and say the same kinds of things (and much worse) and I was only 14 or 15 years old.

Some guys can be disgusting. I don't know if they really think they are going to succeed the way they go about things...I deal with stuff like that in person though. guys like to talk to me and say disrespectful things to my face when my boyfriend isn't around.


Well-known member
I blocked him. I didnt feel threatened just annoyed mostly. I just hope he doesn't successfully get some 16 year old girl to go over to his house or meet him or something. That kinda stuff sickens me; if you're so "hot" go out and find a mate, don't bug me.


Well-known member
Ewww. How did he know you were from SD? You should have gotten his full information and send over a big bulky guy. hehe Yo I'm Arnold.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by astronaut
Ewww. How did he know you were from SD? You should have gotten his full information and send over a big bulky guy. hehe Yo I'm Arnold.

lmao, i had a vivid picture of that. Some big burly man with a wife beater on like wassup man, we gunna do this or what?
But yeah people can be soo creeperish on the net, i really hope he never gets someone over to his house. Or if he does, i hope she gives him a little more than he bargained for.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by juxt123
if this guy is so creepy why dont you just block him....

If you read the thread, I did.

I hadn't blocked him before because it wasn't creepy, his desperation was amusing to me, but he'd not taken it that far before so I'd just close the window and ignore him. Now that's he's gotten a little more disgusting I've had enough.


Well-known member
Very funny! People are just gross! Oh, that To catch a predator show is by Chris Hanson. I love that show...soo entertaining. They actually do some good by arresting the pedophiles.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
"I put on my robe and wizard hat..."

Haha, yes! That chat transcript was hilarious!!