RIP Anna Nicole Smith


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
She's still leaving a legacy of drug abuse, cheap porn, gold diggery, promiscuity, and poor decision making.
If she were alive this thread would be going on and on about what a piece of trash she is, now that she's dead, it's "tragic" and "sad" and "awful that the babygirl doesn't have a momma".

I still think she was all those things, and certainly not a role model for anyone to look up to. She was a gold digger and drug abuser, and I think the whole marrying an 85 year old billionaire thing was absolutely disgusting. But I'm not about to go dancing on her grave. Who knows, with time she may have ditched her creepy lawyer (who I believe was a super-enabler when it came to the drugs) and cleaned up her act.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I mean, her nanny signing a sworn affadavit regarding ANS's demands that the child be underfed in order to be "sexy" back in December (iirc) seem to indicate otherwise.

In that case, all the parents overfeeding their children are unfit too...

And whats "underfeeding" anyways? Proportions in this country are so screwed up I dont think anyone knows what a "normal" portion is anymore.


Well-known member
underfeeding for an infant is anything that doesn't allow the child to thrive. Thriving is considered being on target for growth etc.
It's really hard to overfeed an infant, because they'll just regurgitate everything they don't have room for, not to mention they can't be coerced.
Limiting feedings to cause malnourishment and therefore to prohibit the child from thriving is wrong.

At the same time, parents who knowingly overfeed their children (the kids on maury who at 2 years of age weigh 76 lbs, etc.) are just as at fault.

Yes being overweight is unhealthy but at the point in time of development we're discussing it's exceedingly worse to be mal/undernourished.


Well-known member
And we're not going to start another fat vs skinny thread, it's pointless and doesn't accomplish anything.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Back on topic... I don't know if Anna Nicole would've left instructions for the welfare of her child. I thought her lawyers were more about getting the money of her deceased husband. It doesn't make her necessarily a bad parent, because I know my parents didn't have wills or any informal or formal instructions on my welfare. Most people expect to live until their kids are 18.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
underfeeding for an infant is anything that doesn't allow the child to thrive. Thriving is considered being on target for growth etc.
It's really hard to overfeed an infant, because they'll just regurgitate everything they don't have room for, not to mention they can't be coerced.
Limiting feedings to cause malnourishment and therefore to prohibit the child from thriving is wrong.

At the same time, parents who knowingly overfeed their children (the kids on maury who at 2 years of age weigh 76 lbs, etc.) are just as at fault.

Yes being overweight is unhealthy but at the point in time of development we're discussing it's exceedingly worse to be mal/undernourished.

She was the trim spa spokeswoman, she can't have chubby kids =p


Well-known member
mmm good point.
can't be a good spokesmodel for a weightloss plan if you have a cherubic baby. Zahara Jolie Pitt had SUCH a good look when they adopted her. More parents should work with the child on emulating the hungry look early on.


Well-known member
God, I don't know if its even possible for this story to get even weirder...drug abuse, child abuse, potential murder, paternity battles, a $400 million fortune at stake, sleeping with government officials to get citizenship...what else is left????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
God, I don't know if its even possible for this story to get even weirder...drug abuse, child abuse, potential murder, paternity battles, a $400 million fortune at stake, sleeping with government officials to get citizenship...what else is left????

Umm im sure as time goes by more crazy shit will come out


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I still think her son was the father of the baby.

Lol u know i waws going to post some crap like that but... you know how i am.. but im glad u said it b.c i was thinking it lol

little teaser

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
And we're not going to start another fat vs skinny thread, it's pointless and doesn't accomplish anything.

picking on a dead woman is pointless and doesnt accomplish anything either

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I still think her son was the father of the baby.

Seriously? I don't know, since I never felt an incestuous vibe from her, but that kind of makes sense. I wonder if that factored into his death.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
She was the trim spa spokeswoman, she can't have chubby kids =p

i heard they found slimfast in her fridge.

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