RiRi Hearts MAC Fall Collection (October 3, 2013)


Well-known member
BU TTT or not? My store still has most of her line so idk. I wore it all day today and I love it to the point I want to wear it forever! So that means BU right lol?
Well, if you want to wear it forever, then you will probably need more than one tube, so i think that justifies a backup.


Well-known member
BU TTT or not? My store still has most of her line so idk. I wore it all day today and I love it to the point I want to wear it forever! So that means BU right lol?
I think you should. I had wanted to get 3 but Mac had the 1 limit and my Dilliards sold out within a couple of minutes whick sucked cuz my husband had been waiting since 8am. I had called the day before to ask them which entrance they would be opening first to make a line so that's where my husband waited only for them to open the other side first. If it hadn't have been for that I would have had them.


Well-known member
Wearing riri woo with fixed on drama on top to make it a little darker!! Haven't tried my TTT yet and nude doesn't arrive till next week :( boo!!


Well-known member
I actually really like BGGG. It's not too orange on me, at least i don't think so.. I had it on yesterday with very minimal makeup and took a run and when I was done it was still there goin' strong and looked like a natural flush on me.  I also wore it today and I like the way it looks on me, it's not over the top and seems like it can be worn with many looks. Like Shontay said, it seems like a good every day blush. I have it on in this picture.


Well-known member
**cue michael jackson** u are noooot aloooone...i am here with u i'd say try it out for urself. shyt aint work out for ME but apparently it's been workin for others. either i got a bad batch or my lips was protesting against TTT!!! i got nude too which eeeeeh ok i mean...im not really a nude lip type person but its definitely better on me than Hot Chocolate cuz that shyt had me lookin like Madea sister!!! :shock:   when??? when??? wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen?????  im gonna grab some stila foiled shadows when it the sale happens!! and maybe too faced rebel palette!!
As i recall, its usually in nov, hopefully all the holiday stuff will still be in stock!


Well-known member
People talk about dupes ...but am I the only one that doesn't like dupes ? I don't want no dupes I want the real thing... Lol


Well-known member
You ladies are all looking gorgeous. I am genuinely suprised how versatile this collection is :) so many great ideas, I must admit I am disappointed in how hard people are having to work to get TTT to apply nicely but the finished look is devine :) hurry up French Riri - I still haven't seen any product in the flesh, my blsck box from the online launch last Thursday could possibly arrive tomorrow then I can hit the Mac store for the in store launch on Thursday for the rest - it's too long to wait!


Well-known member
People talk about dupes ...but am I the only one that doesn't like dupes ? I don't want no dupes I want the real thing... Lol
Not at all.....I only want the real thing too.And nothing else!!!!!!!

So good to know that I am not the only one


Well-known member
3 days, 1987 posts and 67 pages later, I have finished reading all the posts in this thread from where I left off after I ordered my haul from Nordies and went to sleep for the night. Whew!.... that was a mission ACCOMPLISHED!

When I was @ work on Friday, I had a patient whose National Health ID number started with 'TTT'..... I felt so mocked!!
seeing how Macy's cancelled my TTT order within minutes off me ordering.

On a happier note, The collection launches in 12hrs here in New Zealand. I'll try and snag the items I wasn't able to get online, after I finish work. I hope people don't stampede to the stores and finish all the stock before I get there.

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