RiRi Hearts MAC Holiday Collection (December 12, 2013)


Well-known member
I love my BGRR too! I used it with Dervish liner and it is such a pretty earthy-toned rosey shade. It was what I wanted Riri Nude to look like. I'm crossing my fingers for a restock.

Pinkdollface is going to try to buy a BU for me in the store :) I used BGRR without a liner. BGRR looks like this on my lips: http://veracamilla.nl/2013/12/mac-hearts-riri-holiday/ Have a no buy right now but next month i will buy Dervish too. And the lipconditioner, i realy need that one.

Edit: its not me in the link. Its a beautyblogger from Netherland


Well-known member
I love Cockiness! This double eyeliner is becoming my everyday look, don't think I'll back it up though. Hopefully this photo does it justice!


Well-known member
Hey ladies! I'm at Mac Pro store at Ala Moana and they have both pleasure bomb and bad girl riri in stock! They just got some in!


Well-known member
Should I get the liner? (If it becomes available again) I have hooded lids and I can barely see my black liner when I put it on. Dont want it to be a waste of money if I cant see it.


Well-known member
Hmm I don't know I haven't seen either of the NYX...I have heard Velvet Teddy by MAC is a nicer looking dupe....BGRR unfortunately looks like mud on me. PB was definitely the star for the final RiRi collection.
they not nyx, actually haven't had good experience with nyx lipsticks.


Well-known member
How many order did you have? I though you already got your stuff?
I had 2 nordies orders with PB and BGR. I got one PB and one BGR lipstick in person, each from a different store. Those are the only ones I "have," since the Nordstrom orders haven't gone anywhere.


Well-known member
too many pictures to quote but everyone looks so great with the lipsticks! I'm not sure about pleasure bomb. its a pretty color but pinks aren't something that i do when it comes to lip color. I'm more of a purple/berry/nude person.


Well-known member
I'd actually planned to get it but saw scandalous beauty blog's review of it & she said that it blended into her skin. She's about NC50/NW43 I think.
Damn I fell into the hype and bought it without Swatching it first.....oh well maybe I can make it work lol.

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