RiRi Hearts MAC Summer Collection (June 18, 2013)


Really hope they restock the UK site, I missed out on Heaux last time and I want it so much! Everyone looks so beautiful wearing it!


Well-known member
They have restocked this collection. All of it' go!
You rock! I got one of everything, no waiting room or bullshit. I had to use the search button to find each individual lipstick I wanted but that worked and it let me add one of each lipstick to my bag and check out. This will be my first each of RRW and RRB and a Heaux BU.


I skipped the lustre drops, I feel like we will see them again next Summer or I can just use Pink Rebel instead and the bronzer/blush duo I skipped b/c I read the pigmentation was crappy.


Well-known member
All I see on the U.S. site is RiRi Woo.

Nevermind, I'm guessing they re-stocked on the non-USA site?

Edit: Nevermind again... I see them.


Well-known member
I just ordered my BU ls!
Everything is still available except the LD. Hopefully my order won't get cancelled!


Well-known member
Not shocked that BG went quick. A lot of people missed out on them and have been searching. The lipsticks may still have some people too burned to mess with lol. Maybe MAC quietly figured out what was wrong and fixed it. Someone had mentioned they heard an August re-release was going to occur. I guess this was it (just a little early) Edit: I just saw the note saying these items aren't available for shipping to Canada. I wonder if this is MAC's olive branch for the fiasco that seemed to happen in the US since it seemed like people that ordered from Canada faired far better (if I remember correctly). Only reason I can think of that they would put that note up.


Well-known member
Awww shoot! Our first shipping confirmation! It's real! We will have ALL THE LIPSTICKS!!! All the Barbados Girls! All the HEAUXS!!! All the RRBs!



Well-known member
Quote:Originally Posted by GoldenGirl

Awww shoot! Our first shipping confirmation! It's real! We will have ALL THE LIPSTICKS!!! All the Barbados Girls! All the HEAUXS!!! All the RRBs!

I know, right?!? This gives me hope!


Well-known member
I was told a shipping notice will be generated on my order shortly so it is real, Serenityy. If I was thinking straight so late at night I would have used up my 4 limit max for some members .

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