Rita--I'm scared outta my mind


Well-known member
Hey, I just need to vent.

My DF is in the Coast Guard stationed in Sabine Pass, TX. Yesterday, they evacuated to Orange, TX. Him and two other men had to stay with the boat when they were forced to evacuate Orange today...to Houston. They are on the water heading straight toward the where the hurricane is projected to hit. what makes it worse (if it could be) me and him adopted a kitten from the Humane Society last summer to keep him company since I live far away. He had to take her on the boat with him. Now they are docking in Houston to go to the Astro Dome for the night. His BM (boss) said that Kitty may not be able to go...

What are we going to do??? He's stressed and pissed and says he refuses to leave her behind, but his boss is putting pressure on him. I hope hope hope the shelter takes her in, otherwise what can we do?? Does anyone have any advice?? I hope they all make it out before the hurricane hits..the traffic is unreal--the weather channel said it's the biggest evacuation in texas history.


Well-known member
The evacuation stuff does SUCK! I'm in San Antonio and I've noticed that the roads are HORRIBLE to drive on when normally there is hardly any traffic. It reall irks me. I don't like people disrupting my normal day to day life.
Maybe that's a lil self-absorbed considering the circumstances. The grocery stores have crazy long lines too...and in the "Evacuation" post I mentioned the gas problem.

Since you're boyfriend is in the Coast Guard, he may have no choice but to give up the kitty
That's horrible! Damn bitch hurricanes(they are female names for a reason I suspect *hehe*) Oh well..I think everything will calm down eventually. If not, I'm moving to Ohio in a year anyways.


Well-known member
Argh, I feel for you. Pets just don't have a priority when forced to evacuate which scares the shit out of me because my house is literally FULL of animals and if there were ever an emergency that required me to evacuate I don't think I could leave them behind. In fact I *know* I couldn't, many of my animals are caged and I just could NOT abandon them.

I am in Kyle, TX and while we won't be taking the brunt of the hurricane she is still expected to be a Category 1 when she moves through here.

I am a wine vendor by trade so I spend ALOT of time in grocery stores. All day today I was in grocery stores that were completely out of water and bread. Gas stations are running out of gas, vehicles evacuating the coast / houston are stranded on the side of the road because they ran out of gas and no gas stations have gas. People are sitting in deadlocked traffic for 11 hours for a trip that would normally take 2.5 (houston to austin).

While we are prepared it's basic things like this that make you wonder, god forbid, if a catastophic natural disaster hit your area..... well it's unthinkable. I've never experienced the tangible feeling of anixety in the air as I did in the grocery stores today.


New member
isnt the hurricane supposed to slow down before it hits... maybe it wont be AS bad as though... i havent heard the news in a couple hours about it but im sure things will be fine. i dont understand why they cant let the kitten stay... like it takes up that much space???


Well-known member
Awww! I feel so bad for you! I live in Houston, it'd be nice if kitty could stay with me! We didn't leave because people have been stuck in traffic for 12 hours only going 30 miles!!!!! At this point its better to stay at home than in a traffic jam or run out of gas.If you need me to take her for a few days p.m. me.


Well-known member
San Antonio didn't get any effects of Rita....besides hella amount of evacuees, shortage on gas, and crazy lines in HEB & Walmart


Well-known member
Ask for kitty to be taken to GA. I will take care of it until I can find you all?


I hope you all werent too horribly affected


Well-known member
You guys are so great! Thanks for all the offers and kind words!, actually when he had to go to the relief, because his BM was such an ass one of the chiefs from the base in Houston offered to watch her. He got her back yesterday, and said that she seems normal -- not too scared or nervous thank goodness. He went back to Sabine today, and said there was crazy damage. His jeep was flooded (he loved that jeep! had it all fixed up--you know how guys are with their cars!!) and his apartment is not liveable. The ceiling fell in and the windows are blown. Now he has to live on base, and most of his stuff is ruined. But the most important thing is that Kitty and him are safe and sound, and all that other stuff can be replaced.

The whole thing was so stupid, pets should be treated as members of the family, they would never say that your child was not allowed to go with you, how dare they tell him to leave her behind?! I would have taken her, but it's a ten hour drive there and 10 hrs back, I can't afford to take any time off school/gas/hotel/etc..plus it all happened so fast... Sorry this is so long. Thanks again you guys for caring. ::hugs::


New member
oh, thank god. i was watching CNN the last night and they were talking about all these pets that were found roaming the street and all i could think about what u and the kitty and i was telling me mom about it and she got SOOO upset about that cuz she has two dogs which i think she would die before leaving them out there to die... so she just got sooo mad about the whole thing. i need to call her up now and let her know ur kitty is ok!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sxychika1014
oh, thank god. i was watching CNN the last night and they were talking about all these pets that were found roaming the street and all i could think about what u and the kitty and i was telling me mom about it and she got SOOO upset about that cuz she has two dogs which i think she would die before leaving them out there to die... so she just got sooo mad about the whole thing. i need to call her up now and let her know ur kitty is ok!

Aww! You guys are so sweet! Trust me, DF LOVES that cat more than anything, he wouldn't have let anything happen to her, it was just a really sucky situation. You're right, thank god it all turned out good! (for them, not so much for the apartment