Royal Wink and Blue Peep


Well-known member
Just picked up these fluidlines

any suggestions as to what to pair them with, or anything like that?

PS: I'm NC25

TIA :]


Well-known member
the manager at the mac counter i usually go to says that she wears royal wink and pink nouveau lipstick together. she says she will wear thtem together at the grocery store and the people at publix are like 'i want some!' and come in and buy some the next day....

it looks amazing, i do it all the time and i call it my 'beth look' because that is her name. i mean, one day i could not decide what to buy and she told me those two things....and i paired them together the next day.


Well-known member
I've seen Royal Wink look good as liners on some people, but not really on me, so I usually use this as a shadow base for blue/green shadows. Blue Peep I like as a liner, maybe use it with purples or bronze colors as a pop of color on the bottom liner.