Ru Pauls Drag Race Full Eps online...


Well-known member
This show is my crack!!!! I don't have any absolute favorites at the moment, but I feel like this season has a lot more bitchy divas than last season... which is really saying something!

I'm kind of disappointed that MAC is no longer sponsoring. NYX is still cool, though.


Well-known member
Thank goodness for Nor'easters. We were pretty much snowed in last week, so I spent my days and night chanel surfing. I'm so glad that I found this show!

Years ago, on spring break my senior year I went to MIA, I met a queen on the beach and she invited me to a show. It was so fun! I had no idea that such performances was such a big to-do all over. I know a sound crazy, but it's the truth. I really enjoyed the show I saw in person and watching the show on TV.

Tati is my fave, she said it best "Sweet in the streets, a freak in the sheets!"


Well-known member

I was all about Onjina!!


She got me into MAC!


Well-known member
well i missed all of season one, but started watching from the beginning of season 2 and i am completely hooked!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it! a few of the guys that i cut hair for do shows and have been asking me to come see them perform so i can meet their drag mommas..there is a big one coming up soon with a queen from dallas who they are all excited to watch in march and i am going to try and go. they know i am obsessed with makeup so i cannot wait!!

and btw...the disco/chicken commericals were freakin hilarious to watch


Well-known member
I got into this show late as well, I've caught up by watching season 1 on-line. It's on Logo's website, click here: RuPaul's Drag Race | Video Clips, Watch Full Episodes Online | Logo TV.

I'm totally checking out Shannel when I go to Vegas in April. Ms. Ongina and Ms. Nina Flowers, love you!

Originally Posted by sinergy
well i missed all of season one, but started watching from the beginning of season 2 and i am completely hooked!!!!!!!!!!!! i love it! a few of the guys that i cut hair for do shows and have been asking me to come see them perform so i can meet their drag mommas..there is a big one coming up soon with a queen from dallas who they are all excited to watch in march and i am going to try and go. they know i am obsessed with makeup so i cannot wait!!

and btw...the disco/chicken commericals were freakin hilarious to watch


Goat Goat Etc.

Well-known member
Glad Mystique is out and gone. Bitched and made too many excuses. Next I hope it's either Raven or Morgan--I dislike me some know-it-all queens.


Well-known member
I thought this episode was so funny, maybe the best out of the two seasons. I think right now JuJu and Pandora are my favs. I think they have the best personalities. I love Jessica too but i don't know... Although I'm glad Mystique. Summers. Madison. went home, I really don't like the Mystique hate they showed. They are all bitches to each other so why single her out? Just because she's big? Not cool.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V2LUCKY
I wanted Nina to win I thought she was the best one!....Those "crazy eyes" Bebe would do when she walked down the catwalk were so creepy, they bothered me to no end.....and it was hilarious when the director of the video told her to work the eyes and then kept saying but "not so crazy".

Thank God i'm not the only one who would notice this and yell "HAM" (Hot Ass Mess) at the screen. She would do some crazy ass OTT facial expressions especially in the mouth.... I love her but... NO!

As for season 2, I don't like how those girls were getting on Mystique because of her weight. Hell I don't even like her, but they kept clowning on her weight every chance they got, especially that Raven character. Some of those chicks are rather unfortunate looking coughpandoraboxxcough, and like 2 others lmao.


Well-known member
Guilty pleasures, this show. I warned my hubby and teenage son that I had the tv for the day and then played season I, one after the other. It amused me to catch them sneaking peeks at the tv around their computer monitors.

And Nina should have won, absolutely adored her. Bebe just freaked me out with the way she would move her face.

Anyone have links to tutes on how to do a "Nina" style eyes?


Well-known member

I am in love with Divine, he's the ultimate style queen for me, trashy, nasty dirty and has eyebrows you could carve a turkey with! <3

I had no idea Ru Paul even had a show!!! :O I was just aware of his music career until about 10 minutes ago! :O

You've given me something to watch this weekend! Thanks guys!


Well-known member
I thought Sonique was very beautiful, but her attitude was not. I think my favorite at the moment is probably Tait/Tatiana. She's so adorable and pretty.

Oh, and I can't forget JuJu, she is fabulous! I love her.


Well-known member
I have to agree, Sonique is cute, but her attitude sucks. I like the cast as a whole, Tatianna is my fave though.

I don't think the cast is as fierce as they were last season...anyone agree?

Last seaon we had some DIVA'S..Nina, Ongina, Shannel...


Well-known member
Lol. I don't even think Tyra tries when it comes to her voice. It just destroys the illusion, especially becuase she's a real pretty girl.

Tyra voice is just as bad as Jade's tuck. Rupaul can't stand it. Lol

Originally Posted by .Ice
Who saw the 3/15 episode? I was dying laughing when Tyra Sanchez got on stage to perform Rupaul's song... His voice was deeeeep, and he was struggling to make it higher but failed miserably

here's the link: Sling - Rocker Chicks Bonus - Tyra Sanchez - Video clip from RuPaul's Drag Race on LOGO




Well-known member
OMG!! Season2? :O
Oh to be an american and not catch these things a year late!!
Who were you guys routing for to win season 1?

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