Ruddiness and Uneven Skin Tone


Well-known member
What are some of the best products to combat this? I have some ruddiness round my nose, chin area and just uneven skin tone in general. Blach, I hate it, I can never do a FOTD because of it! Any help would be appreciated. TIA


Well-known member
Smashbox makes a great primer that has a green base to it, and it evens out redness and blotchiness really well! Then a good foundation and powder should help cover it up as well! Also it could be from dry skin, so perhaps exfoliating and using a balancing or moisturing mask would help.


Well-known member
The green Smashbox primer is amazing for hiding roscea, ruddiness and redness alone or under makeup, but it's not a treatment for it. Honestly, I would see a dermatologist to get treatment for your redness. They'd know the best products.