Rude Parents at a Graduation...


Well-known member
I went to my neices kiddie-garden graduation the other day, and OMG how freaking rude were all the parents?

Half of them rushed the middle aisle in front of the stage where all the kids were standing when it started and began snapping pix with their digis and cellphones. So okay, thats fine, I would do the same with my kids, but u'd think they'd sit down after the principal asks them twice?No it took a 4th time. The prob was that they were blocking most of our views of the kids. I couldnt see my neice(nor could her mom or family) unless they sat down so I was pissed.

And then when they recieved their diplomas it was done in groups of 4 classes. So u'd think after the first class finished those parents would sit down and let the next class's parents get their up-close chance of a pic, but NO they freaking stayed n crowded the aisle even more! It was the rudest sh*t I've seen in awhile.

This was a once in a lifetime thing, who wants to go to their son/daughters first graduation and have a bunch of idiots stand in ur view of him or her? I wanted to watch her sing her little songs and actully look at her face! Ugh I couldve cried. She just had to be in a spot that they blocked easily.

Have any of u gone to a graduation like this?


Well-known member
That is so ridiculous If I were in charge I would have stopped the graduation until everyone was in their seats and told them there will be a time for photos at the end . I'm so sorry that happened. I hope it doesn't happen when my little one graduates from Kindergarten.

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
I'm probably going to on my own with this one but I would have gone right up to the stage and helped the principal to put an end to it.

Everyone deserves to see their baby shine and I'll be damned if someone's big ass head is going to keep me from doing so. It'll be fine if they have to pause to get everyone seated, but there are going to be a lot of sad people if they can't see their little ones at such a special time.

I'm not a bullshitter so if you see me walking up there you better listen to Beyonce and move to the left, to the left!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by SkylarV217
That is so ridiculous If I were in charge I would have stopped the graduation until everyone was in their seats and told them there will be a time for photos at the end . I'm so sorry that happened. I hope it doesn't happen when my little one graduates from Kindergarten.

Chances are they will be idiots when your little one graduates also, sorry but the younger the kids are the more silly the parents act for some reason

Mizz.Yasmine I'm sorry, I hope you all got some good shots of your niece at least


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lapis
Chances are they will be idiots when your little one graduates also, sorry but the younger the kids are the more silly the parents act for some reason

oh no it goes for all ages. i went to a high school graduation last week and you literally had to 'throw bows' in order to get a good shot. i guess some parents were so happy to get rid of their kids (college, jobs, real life) that they had to act a fool


Well-known member
Originally Posted by benzito_714
oh no it goes for all ages. i went to a high school graduation last week and you literally had to 'throw bows' in order to get a good shot. i guess some parents were so happy to get rid of their kids (college, jobs, real life) that they had to act a fool

LOL yeah I'm glad you are happy Jr is finally moving out but no need to get your butt out of my way so I can take a picture of my kid too


Well-known member
I went to my son's this year and it was a graduation for 4 classes and the parents only went up when their kid got a diploma and took a picture and the teacher paused so they could take a photo then the parent sat back down...

Simply Elegant

Well-known member
When I went to my sister's, the parents had to stand at the aisles away from the chairs to take pictures. if you were in a seated area, you had to remain that way.


Well-known member
Some people have no class or regard for others. The sad thing is children learn by example, so these kids will probably turn out to be just like their parents.


Well-known member
That's so rude! I didn't know kindergartens had graduation?

That is ridiculously though No matter what event, people should be considerate of people around them


Well-known member
Yup it's all ages. I went to my brothers college graduation a few months back & this one woman stood up the WHOLE freaking time & kept fiddling with her 10 kids, who kept running around everywhere. Then she kept going up to the front of the stage to snap shot this and that, you would seriously think she was a photographer. It was so annoying. It's like anything though, some people think they are the only ones in this world.


Well-known member
It is sickening to see parents behaving in this manner. Aren't they supposed to be setting an example for their children? I have had A LOT of experience dealing with this. When I was married, my ex's daughter lived with us full-time. I attended her school functions from pre-school until 2nd grade. There were times when I almost got into fights with other parents because of their total lack of consideration for others. The only reason I held back was because I did not want to set a bad example for the kids. I have seen parents almost trample others trying to push forward to take pictures. I have also seen them yelling and screaming things out at the most inappropriate moments and cursing and carrying on in front of the children.
It really makes me sad for their kids.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by lara
...they have kindergarten graduation ceremonies now?

It's a long-standing tradition in the US, as far as I'm aware. My parents liked to put the kindergarten graduation photo next to my high school and college graduation photos. It's cute.


Well-known member
u know what it is these days, u can take hundreds of pix with a digi and choose the best 1's, back in the day u had like 24 shots on a roll of film lol! and people are just ruder now.

there was like a 13 year old girl blocking us too taking vids with her cellphone !it was just beyond annoying and no1 spoke up becuz u know that would start a lil arguement and the people who stayed seated were the respectful ones so they knew that would prob happen and stayed quiet.

that graduation was just so unorganized, i don't think they expected that to happen.