Ruh-Roh - MAC Ripe Peach


Well-known member
Err, I got a little hasty and asked someone on MUA to swap a BN Ripe Peach for my new UD BOS 3. She hasn't responded yet, but already I'm feeling very iffy. It'd be a lot cheaper to get Ripe Peach this way rather than spend $70 on ebay, but I'm not sure if RP will even look good on me (pink undertones and I *think* I use NC15 in my Studiotech foundation).

If she even responds, do you think I'd be out of line if I decided to renege on the offer?

PS - Not sure if this is in the right place. I'm sorry to the mods if they have to move it. :\


Well-known member
Thanks, Starry. We'll see if she even responds. Most of the time when I request a swap, they just ignore me. It's weird, because my feedback is positive.

Anyway, it might be a good thing in this case.


Well-known member
Oh, if all you've done is request a swap, then you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I thought you had started negotiations already. But even so, as long as you haven't BOTH sent your addresses, it's not finalized by any means. You don't even need to give an explanation - just a simple "sorry, I changed my mind." Just don't leave people hanging because you're afraid to say no - this is one of my pet peeves!