I'm here in SD, nowhere near the fires thank god.
So I work at a MAC coutner in a Macy's that is in the mall closest to most of the affected areas and they made us stay open today! They didn't let us close until 6pm. Our closer had to call out because her house was evacuated (it also burnt in the fires 4 years ago) our mid-shift came in and I told her to leave because a different fire was getting close to her home, she's now had to evacuate. A girl was coming in to cover her and her Dad had to evacuate his business that he owns and she had to go help him try to pack up tools etc. My assistant manager was at her parent's house trying to spray down their yard and roof and stuff just in case. Another girl was home with her son because his school was closed and the only other person that made it in with me was a wreck all day because her b/f who is a marine was put to work fighting the fires. They call in the military when they need back up. Mind you these are not fire fighters and her boyfriend didn't even recieve a mask until this evening (not even a fire fighting mask just a paper type of thing) or goggles.
They were using the parking lot at my mall as an evacuation area for horses. I went out there and looked over and saw all of the poor animals all together with cars driving by them and I almost burst into tears. I can't imagine how scared they were
I am still somewhat outraged that they kept us at the store when Macy's employees were having to leave because they got word that they didn't have much time to pack up etc... I think they should have closed the store instead of worrying about making money. I am also outraged at the people who wer ein there shopping and acting put-out by the fact that we were under-staffed.
We have a friend that had to evacuate that will be staying with us.
It's all just very surreal. I couldn't believe how bad the Cedar fires were last time and this is so much worse and it's only day one. Ther is no end in sight at this point. It's on it's way to the ocean in some areas.
My boyfriend and I are trying to collect water and food to take to the firefighters tomorrow. This is something ym boyfriend did last time because there were fire fighters out there for days straight without having any of those items given to them.
Please keep my friends Torrey, Anel and Andy in your thougths and prayers as they had to evacuate their homes. As well as my friend Steve who is out there fighting the fire.