scars on legs


Well-known member

i have some scars on my legs.I get my legs waxed at the salon and when the hair grows back my skin itches.I scratched my legs which has left scars..

any recommendations on how to cover it up? i wana go clubbing ( i rarely go) and wana wear something short.I always stick to jeans or trousers coz im not proud of my legs



Well-known member
I don't know what you could cover it up with...but for the long term improvement I would suggest putting vitamin e on your scars twice daily as well as buying Mederma. It works wonders. I have this giant scar on my right leg that I've had since third grade-it has smoothed it out and made it much, much lighter. It's a bit pricey but worth it. You can find it at Walgreens, Walmart, etc.


Well-known member
I can't really help with the scar part, but I can make a suggestion on the scratching part. Try using a scrub of some sort in the shower/tub, for one. I personally don't like them much, so I got some exfoliating mits from The Body Shop, which I really like because they feel like I'm scratching, but they don't do any damage to my skin. Pesky ingrowns go bye bye.

Vitamin E works wonders for scars, and burns. Cocoa butter I have also heard works great (why else would so many people use it for stretch marks).


Well-known member
hey girls , thanks so much.. my sis gave me a tub of cocoa butter from body shop , will try that out and thanks for the tip for not scratchin.. im gona try that out .. thanks so much !

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