school birthday theme


Well-known member
Hi everyone

Mods feel free to move this if it's not in the right place.

My roomie's 22nd birthday is next week and she's planning to have a themed party. Her theme is a school party thing. We are all going to dress up in uniforms (white shirt, black skirts, ties etc...). The thing is we are having the party at the flat and we are not sure how to decorate the place..we really don't know what kind of stuff to put up etc.
what do you guys think we should do??

thank you.


Well-known member
what about like apple stuff, like for teacher? and chalkboards to write stuff on.
Im not really sure though thats a hard one


Well-known member
Make it like a classroom. Go to a teacher supply place and put up posters of ABC's, numbers, How to tell time, stickers, etc. Of course, you can use place mats as construction paper. But, I would make it like there was a party in the classroom. Tell people to make bring pictures of themselves when they were in kindergarden and put them up on a poster board. You can have balloons and a menu "school menu". You could even have an outline on a bullentin board of the activities of the party like a teacher would.
For example:

1. Try to match your adult friend with their kindergarden picture
2. Show and/or tell us something we don't know about you. (Now, this could be yearbook pictures or a special talent that one may possess).
3. Charades game
4. Pinata
5. Make people paint their self portrait on a piece of paper with finger paint using a brush and holding in their mouth. They can not use their hands. Use a flipchart for this. They can only use one color too.
6. Spelling B (Make people spell simple words backward). They get a prize if they get it right.


Oh, each person gets a chance to be the teacher and give out the assignment for having fun.

At the end of the party, everyone get to Graduate and everyone gets a Graduation Hat or fake diploma when they leave

There are many rock songs written with school in mind (one example: Hot for teacher by Van Halen) or you could play songs that were popular at the time when you were in school.


Well-known member
Oh, I just wanted to add. I don't think it would be possible to do all those assignments or fun stuff at a party. They are suggestions for assignments. You could have it as assignments for you to Graduate. "Use your imagination". That what I was told in school.