I'll be a student in the fall at San Francisco Institute of Esthetics and Cos. It's the best one in CA. it's on folsom, right next to a small park... however... tuition is 15,000 for estis, and 19 for cosmis. it's a P.Mitchell partner school.
Most schools just teach you what you need to know to pass the exam, but not any of the partner schools!!! they go way beyond what you "just" need. go to the site and apply and you can take a tour at the school. the brand of make up they give you and use is tru minerals, and also, MAC's student pro program partnered with this school... so you get a 20% dis while in school!!
they don't provide student housing but they have selected a few places for students to stay... luckily i already live and work close by, if you don't live in SF... i suggest you put a bit of money aside, the average apt in the mission district is about 1200-1600 a month..... for the smallest!!!!
also try
Miss Marty's Hair Academy & Esthetics Institute it's like 2 blocks away from the other one.. im pretty sure it's on mission st.