Self-indulgence - Other Than Make-Up


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1. Magazines - I just can't help but want to be caught up on everything from fashion to gossip to good books to read

2. Dog Treats - Kaleb just inhales them, I swear !

3. Clothing - I always seem to need new stuff, lol. I can't help it


Well-known member
1) Eating Out: Reason: I'm Lazy. Truth: I'm Lazy.

2) Reason: I like to be entertained to catch a break from school work (i have undergrad senioritis, lol). Truth: I'm too poor to indulge in many other hobbies b/c I spend all my money on MAC!

3) Watching TV series on DVD w/ husband: Reason: It's fun! Truth: It's fun!


Well-known member
Oh gosh:

Facials once a month
Manicures / Pedicures

I have calmed down SOOO much on jewellry, magazines, perfumes and lingerie, and shoes recently.

I go through phases of self-indulgences.


Well-known member
Hmmm...Other than makeup?? Well, I guess I could come up with a few

1. Indulgence: Once-a-month facials and every-five-week hair appts. Reason: I like to have my skin looking great. Plus, I'm prone to blackheads (eww), and my aesthetician can get them out w/o scarring. For my hair; well, my colorist is amazing, and I like my hair to always look great. ONCE I tried DIY coloring..I threw up and nearly fainted from the smell, and my hair looked like SHIT. Wasn't worth it. Truth: I love the facials. They're SO relaxing. She gives a wonderful hand/arm/head massage, and I feel like I'm in heaven. Plus, it keeps my skin looking good. Hair? Well, what I said above is pretty much the truth. I want a professional doing my hair. Simple as that

2. Indulgence: Jewlery and Crystals/Minerals. Reason: I LOVE jewelry. Seriously. I am a jewelry junkie. And, I LOVE and collect crystals, and mineral specimens. I am so hot for any kind of unique jewelry, and at least once a month buy a peice. I try to buy mineral specimens at least once a month, too..I have a huge curio cabinet full of them. This makes me happy. I love the pretties! Truth: I love to adorn myself. I feel naked w/o a few large pieces of jewlery on. I love to spoil myself!! That's that.

3. Indulgence: Dunkin' Donuts Coffee..daily. Reason: I only have a cup a day. I love my a.m. coffee..not so much for a wake-up, but just 'cause it's hot, smells good, and tasty. I like D n D coffee! Truth: I don't always allow myself enough time to make coffee before I leave the house. Plus, I'm a coffee snob, and want good, freshly brewed java. My coffee bean grinder broke (it was $70!!), so I need to get another one, because I require freshly ground beans to brew with!!


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1. Jeans - I'll only wear a pair of jeans if they're premium denim -_- Reason: They look, feel and fit so nice. Truth: Just to feel more superior.

2. Bags/purses - Reason: they look nicer, last longer Truth: Again to feel more superior, I guess.

3. Books - Reason: I like to have my books permanently Truth: too lazy to go to the library to borrow, renew and return.


Well-known member
Let's see.
1) Food!! If I have a taste for something, chances are I will go and get it! This could be fast food, restaurant food, grocery store food. It doesn't matter if I went grocery shopping the day before or if I could toatlly cook that at home. If we don't have it or I don't feel like making it, I'll go buy it. I love to eat EXACTLY what I want, lol. It doesn't matter if I have to drive across town to get it either. I'm still trying to figure out why I'm not like obese by now.

2) Shopping, in general. I have focuses about every 3 months. And when I focused on that, I'll buy a TON of those items for the 3 months. Then I'll move on to something else. I say it's b/c I don't have this specific piece that I need (which is true to me, lol), but in reality its b/c I probably have a shopping addiction. Seriously, if I never bought another thing for the next 3 years, then and only then would I be able to use up most of the stuff that I own. Ha ha, when I danced in college the whole team would come over to my house to pick out stuff to wear for performances. I had enough clothes and accessories to outfit a 10 girl team!

3) Going out! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to dance!! No matter how great my life is going, my world just isn't right if I don't get some biweekly dancing in. So, in lieu of finding better avenues for my dancing. I just go out like every other weekend. Although, I'm part of a dance team now, so hopefully I can cut back on that b/c clubbing definitely eats at my pocketbook. Plus, I like to get all dolled up and look sexy for the hubby.


Well-known member
My top 3 would be:

1. Eating out: I say it's because I work 12 hours everyday and dont feel like cooking, then doing all of the dishes. Plus my son and younger sister are picky eaters and I get tired of trying to come up with something that will satisfy them (which hardly ever happens) and doesnt only have chicken nuggets or mac and cheese or some other processed food in it. Truth- I'm just lazy. I could cook every night because I love it. I just get worn out from running my child care business all day and I dont feel like whipping up a giant meal.

2. Buying stuff for my son- I buy him clothes and shoes all of the time because he grows so fast and when I see something adorable I just want him to wear it. I buy him a toy every time we go to Walmart because I want him to be happy and know that I love him. Truth- I buy the clothes and shoes because he is like a Ken doll. And ladies I loved Barbies, so a life like Ken doll is my dream. And the toys I buy him just so he wont throw a God-awful fight in the middle of a store. I know I shouldnt but I just want to run in and get the things I need without having every human being stare at me like they have never seen a child throw a temper tantrum before.

3. Makeup- I buy it b/c I'm addicted one, but I also love to be creative with it. It is my art form. Truth- I have horrible self esteem. I mean horrible. So I buy it because I know that it can help me look and feel better about myself. Plus there is nothing like opening my black box or going to the store/counter and being mesmerized by it all.


Well-known member
wow this thread actually pointed out what i should stop spending on! esp. with how the economy is nowadays...but mines would have to be

starbucks coffee. im so addicted that when i dont have it for more than two days i crave it and i get a headache!

i know you said three, but buy coffee almost everyday! =/


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Video games: World of Warcraft, anyone? :p
Underwear: Because looking cute just for yourself never hurt anyone
Gourmet Cupcakes: Why not? :3


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-Going out to lunch at least 3x a week: I need to stop being so lazy about taking lunch. But sometimes I need to escape my co-workers during lunch.

-Books: If I see a book I like, I'll buy it. Forget it. I have at least 30 books waiting to be read yet I still buy more.

-Starbucks: At least once or twice a week, that's easily $40 a month!! My sister made me coffee that tasted exactly like my expensive ass white chocolate mocha. But it's easy and on the way to work.

Good topic Tish! I'm going to start re-thinking these things.

Holy Rapture

Well-known member
1 - Clothes
2 - Shoes
3 - Ummm ... Ooooh ... Uhhhh ... Could I think and come back later ??
All I could think of was Make-up


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REASONING: "Im always hungry and im a food lover' Everyone that knows me knows that im one of those skinny people that can eat a whole cow and still be under 130lbs.
TRUTH: Im just bored and need something to do

REASONING: I just need a little something, and my stomach wants it soo bad
TRUTH: I eat with my eyes and nose, and not my head or stomach. If i see/smell any kind of snack to nibble on, ill go for it even if im full.

Home Depot, Container Store, etc
We need this at the apartment"
TRUTH: I'm just a shopaholic who thinks she has all the money in the world to spend on things i really dont need


Well-known member
1) Clothes that I never wear. Not just clothes in general because I think I need more work clothes. But I indulge in clothing that I don't have occasions to wear to.
Truth: to satisfy that inner slut in me?

2) Toiletries. A lot of us just like to shop. I can't stop buying toiletries such as soaps, shampoos, moisturizers from places like Drug stores and Wallmart. I think because these are cheap necessity items I buy a ton of it when I feel that itch to shop but I know I shouldn't go blow it on a big ticket item.
Truth: I am just re-directing my urge to shop and it's just unnecessary spending nevertheless.

3) Alcohol. Although I am a lot better than I used to be and really it's not an indulgence any more. But I love my wines, spirits, beer, cocktails etc. I like going out for drinks and munchies with friends.
Truth: I'm an alcoholic?? lol


Well-known member
clothes, hair/skin products, anything hello kitty i must buy! or i will cry lol i also have a prob with buying accesories! i own like 900 bangles lol


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eating out for dinner = i'm an amazing cook, but on certain days...i just dont feel like it lol. but cooking at home is always cheaper. and tastier

eating out for lunch = lunch in DC is super expensive. like, i spend about 1 mac eyeshadow a damn day!

hookers = lmao j/k


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Eating at fast food places/Junk food: We don't eat out that much but we do it at least a few times a month. My dad will just come home with McDonald's or Wendy's sometimes. Or if were out together as a family, were too much to eat at an restaurant restaurant so we'll just get fast food instead of going home and having to cook for that day. My dad also likes to go out and just buy random things of junk food (cookies, chips, sweets.) some of this stuff gets eaten while a lot of it can just go to waste cause we'll never touch it or we'll eat it once and then just completely forget about it. So thats $$ being thrown literally into the trash. And when my parents let me pick out food for that week, I'll sometimes actually forget we even have this stuff at home. So it'll just sit there and go bad.

NickNacks (Is that how you spell it? lol): My dad and I just love shopping and spending whatever money we have in our pockets. We suck at saving up cash. A lot of times either one of us will go out shopping and just pick up random little things that we don't really need but think we really do. We'll try to rationalize why its needed by saying, "Oh, this will help me do this or that around the house." I've been begging him to get one of those swifter cleaners for floors because if I had one, I'll actually clean the floors because it'll make it alot more sanitary and easier than using an old mop. Uh, yeah right! If we do get this thing, it'll probably just sit there and never be used.

Furniture Items: Now this is all on my parents, mostly my dad though. Like I said, we love to shop. He'll go around to random stores and look around and see whats there. I guess one day he went to Value City Furniture and ended up getting a bedframe for me. Now, I have never asked for one or wanted one even for my bed. But his reason for getting it was that it was cheap and it was too good of a deal to pass up. Well guess what? That $200 could be spent towards bills! lol. He's also been known just to show up at home with a random table or chair or whatever that he either found or bought because again it was "cheap".

Utilities: I won't lie, I'm notorious for running up our electricity and water bill. My little brother and I have a bad habit of just leaving our computers on all day for days and days or just leaving the light on in a bunch of rooms. I also LOVE to take a nice long hot shower on a daily basis. I can't help it! It's just so relaxing haha! I seriously think that our SUPER basic, as cheap as you can get from Verizon home phone service is a waste. Not only do I barely ever pick up the home phone but its like $28 almost a month! We don't get caller ID, 3 way, call waiting or anything. Just basic unlimited home phone service nothing else. We've really been considering getting the T-Mobile home phone service that's only like $10 extra a month for unlimited phone calls and all that jazz you usually get with a good home phone plan. Our internet is a huge bitch to pay for too, we have Verizon Fios and it costs us over $40. I know that all high speed internet is around that price or even more but I seriously think its f*cking ridiculous to ask that much for internet service a month. But we can't go without internet so yeah were stuck paying that every month. For our cell phone provider we have T-Mobile and their family plan I think is super cheap. BUT, I have a sidekick lx and I have to pay an extra $20 a month for the data plan for it. It's a great deal for an unlimited everything data plan but its still an extra $20 you have to fork over every month. It adds up! My dad asks if I could go without it, I mean I could...but seriously once you go smartphone you can't go back to a regular phone!

Video Games: My little brother just got a PS3 on black friday and keeps bugging everyone in the house about getting him a new game(s) for it. He has already went through 2 PS2's and has a decent amount of games for them. I wont lie, theres people out there with way more games than he has but I think he has enough for now. Plus the attitude/issues he's been giving all of us for not letting him go out and buy a new game (the weather is utterly horrible right now here plus we have tons of bills to pay for this month), makes me feel that he doesn't deserve anything at all!

and last but not least...

My beauty products (Includes all makeup that I buy which is mostly MAC, and the skincare products I use): This is costing me big bucks! Lol, I dont think I need to go into detail about why I NEED this stuff.


Well-known member
1. Sexy underwear - TRUTH: I've never met a pair I haven't liked. Plus, I feel strange for my boyfriend to see me in the same underwear. Even though he won't remember.

2. Beauty supply store for anything I can randomly pick up - TRUTH: I feel as if I need makeup to look good and I worry about running out of something.

3. Buying lunch most days - TRUTH: I can't stand eating cold food.


Well-known member
1) Food for my guinea pigs.
With their salad stuff (daily), their top-of-the-line hay and pellets, we probably spend... about 100 bucks a month just on them. Truth- They are worth every penny. *wheek wheek*

2) Perfume.
I am not satisfied with body splashes. I need good, namebrand perfume. Truth- I am a Burberry and Dolce & Gabanna whore. I feel body splashes only last an hour at best.

3) Hair.
I refuse to use a box of dye on my hair and I REFUSE to go anywhere besides a 'salon' to get my hair cut. Truth- I am a snob when it comes to places like Best Cuts.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1127
^^^ That is so funny must have a zillion pair of drawz then

Hehehe.. I'll count them one of these days, but I have pairs that I've never even used. my mother gets so angry when I come and I'm like.... Come see.