self tanning boo boo :(


Well-known member
everytime i apply self tanner, even the jergens enhancing lotion, i wash my hands right away as the directions say, but am left with white marks from my wrists where i washed and wiped. how do i avoid this? without turning my hands orange?


Well-known member
When I go to wash my hands I use a wash cloth and do it carefully so I don't wash it all off the tops of my hands. That way there's no line of demarcation. Plus my hands are pasty white and need some color on them too! lol Hope that helps!


Well-known member
After washing my hands, I put a little blob of tanner on the back of one of my hands, and then rub the other top of my hand against it. Its a bit tricky and akward, but you manage to get both of your hands tanned without using your fingers or palms.


New member
First wash off your hands with them pointing down it the sink. Pat dry. Use a Cotton ball to apply the ST to the back of your hands. A new cotton ball per a hand. Here's a few tricks I do to keep the back of the hands looking natural.
  • Apply the ST the cotton ball and start in the middle of the hand
  • Do circle motions moving the ST just to edges of you hand and up your wrist
  • Do fingers last, bend the finger and do a quick sweep to the tips (you can later go back and use alcohol on a cotton ball the remove the ST off your nails)
  • Let the ST dry for about 30 seconds, now grab some hand lotion and apply just a little bit, the lotion will help keep the ST from settling in the cracks
There you go natural tan looking hands

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