Seller of fake Mac,has used Spectra member swatch piccys!


Well-known member
Argghhh i just had to post this girls...this seller on ebay UK,has posted some listings for ...ermm Mac pigments and gawd he/she really excelled themselves as they used another member piccys of GENUINE Mac pigments ...
seller:meierogn _Health_Beauty_Make_up_Cosmetics_Eye_Shadow_PP?has h=item170329928174&_trksid=p3911.c0.m14&_trkparms= 72%3A1683|66%3A2|65%3A12|39%3A1|240%3A1318|301%3A1 |293%3A1|294%3A50
Can this be reported??I have emailed Risser...bloody cheek to do this !!
wtf ...this is just getting worse...look @their feedback !!


Well-known member
Email Risser for sure. Maybe she can put pig pics up instead
. Or at least make her photobucket account private and rehost the images.

There are ways to make images un"hotlinkable" too, ie: you cannot right-click them, but I'd have to look that up, I don't know how to do it myself.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by NeonKitty
Email Risser for sure. Maybe she can put pig pics up instead
. Or at least make her photobucket account private and rehost the images.

There are ways to make images un"hotlinkable" too, ie: you cannot right-click them, but I'd have to look that up, I don't know how to do it myself.

Kitty !Wooohooo all this sellers listings have been removed...

dunno if Risser,has reported it...she has not replied to my email but good result!
Night Kitty and thanks x


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
people are so dishonest....

Yeah and stealing others piccys of genuine Mac ,is quite common among all these sellers who peddle these fakey crappy Mac!
I did reported to ebay via report listing button..stating that this seller pigments are fake and the photos of the Mac swatches belong to Spectra member Risser!One of the eBays policy (if you are going to sell), is that you must use photos on your auctions that you have taken yourself and,not copied from any other source etc!

I reckognized Rissers name, after reading the posting on Spectra about fake MAC makeup i deffo knew it wasn't her selling these fakey pigments...the seller had over 100 for sale ,each auction was for 40 jars!!!
cheating scumbags!
PS.My fav actor is Niro....i adored him as father Bob,in Sleepers!!


Well-known member
What's hilarious is that the above stolen swatch pic aren't even of pigments! They're metal-x shadows. You'd think they'd at least attempt to steal swatches of the supposed product they're selling!