Originally Posted by inlucesco
On what legal grounds would you have charges pressed? I think calling it a "hate crime" is a bit extreme since, ostensibly, the man being paid agreed to do what they asked. That's not to say that I think it's ethically right, but I also don't think that pressing charges would be effective. In my opinion, the seniors should get their privileges revoked at school, and the rest should be left up to their parents.
I said that it is "
almost akin to a hate crime." I made this comment based on the fact that obviously those kids targeted and exploited this man because he is homeless. Homeless people would be considered a group. It is therefore conceivable that they could be target of animosity. These kids were clearly aware that due to this man's situation or group that he is unfortunately defined by (homeless), they would probably have more success than say if they targeted a group of well-paid executives to perform this prank. IMO, that could be taken as intent. To exploit and degrade someone based on the group they are considered to be a part of could be considered a hate crime. I realize that this is a very loose interpretation, that is why I used the word "almost".
Yes, they paid him and yes he agreed to do it. However, this is a grown man who agreed to run naked around a bunch of kids. How hungry, poor, miserable, etc do you have to be to do that? You and I have roofs over our heads and meals everyday, so we cannot fully comprehend that lifestyle and what it takes to survive. I can't imagine how shitty it would be and what I may be forced to do.
I agree that as kids we all do dumb things. I did. We all make mistakes, regardless of the types of parents we have. However, there are cleary different levels of judgement involved here. There is a difference between the kid, who as a prank, puts a skirt on the school statue as opposed to the kid who thinks its a great idea to exploit a homeless man and expose other kids to nudity that they probably did not want to see.
As far as what legal grounds I would press charges on, I am not a lawyer, so it would be irresponsible for me to take a guess. If you are a lawyer, perhaps you have advice? I still believe that the law is the best answer to this, as it seems their parents didn't instill certain values that would have steered these kids away from this. And hey, perhaps they did, but it obviously didn't work. Therefore, a stronger message is needed. When a kid is late for curfew, ground him/her. That is a reasonable punishment. However, when the incident escalates to a certain level, such as with these kids, I believe that an escalated punishment is warranted.
Please don't take this post as bitchy or confrontational. I am just clarifying my line of reasoning on this.