SEPHORA Friends & Family 2013

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Well-known member
Plzzzzz......I need a code........:cheer:

Ana A

Well-known member
First of all let me say that I DON'T want a code, I came here for pure entertainment....I did however click on the link because I wanted to see how this feature worked (this is brand new to me). I can see the list of e-mails and a message on top that reads "
Wow, this file is really popular! Some tools might be unavailable until the crowd clears
I can only imagine how bad the traffic must be that the link won't even let you add anymore. I'm feel bad for Richelle and MissTT....where are all these ppl coming from?


Well-known member
Richelle is shutting.folks.down! Fools are trying to type above the list as instructed not to and she is deleting them as they type. Why am I laughing watching this. She is going to snap.
Richelle let them mess it up.
LOL I couldn't help it! Like they seriously had the audacity to bogart like that. We can't magically figure out who's new on the list if people post addresses above or in between one's you've sent codes to hours ago!


Well-known member
I'm looking at google docs & I'm so confused on why people from China are trying to get codes ( I thought it was US & Canada only.


Well-known member
Some serious fun seems to be going on here. I can't figure it all out but can I get a code please ? Not joking ! TIA


Well-known member
I'm looking at google docs & I'm so confused on why people from China are trying to get codes ( I thought it was US & Canada only.
Lots of Chinese students in the US. I was telling Richelle the same thing. Apparently the link was sent to a group connected with China. Also, maybe people are using shipping proxies.

I'm tired, Richelle. Let's lock it up for the night.


New member
Here's what I got in stores today! The rest is coming in the mail :D Thanks MissTT & Richelle83!!


Sephora Formula X Nail Polish - Love Chemistry
OCC All-Star Mini x4 Set
Beauty Blender
Benefit Brow Zing - Dark
Benefit High Beam
Urban Decay Naked Skin (5.0) x2
Urban Decay Vice 2 Palette
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