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Sexy Smokey Eyes


Well-known member
Hey girls...looking for a nice sexy smokey eye then watch my video. This is my take on makeupgeeks look of the week

YouTube - Sexy Smokey Eyes

Here is a list of products i used:

Mac: Mineralized skinfinish natural: Medium
Mac: Select cover up NC 25
Mac: sculpt and shape: Accentuate
Clinique: touch tint for eyes
Palladio Couture: Herbal eyeshadow trio
Mac: black tied
Mac: crystal avalanche
Mac: transparency glitter
N.Y.C: Brow/eyeliner pencil in #925
Sonia Kashuk: black mascara
Loreal colour juice: strawberry smootie
NYC: english rose
revlon:lash curler
Victoria's secret:afterglow
I really love the entire look and the glitter really brings everything together! i will definitely have to try this out for myself soon =]

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