Shadestick help


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I have light blue/gray eyes. I would use it more to line with than to color the lid.

What shadestick would you recommend?



Well-known member
I think that a shadestick might be too thick to line, unless you want a thick line. Nevertheless, I think Mangomix would be stunning against blue/gray eyes.


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I recommend beige-ing shadestick to anyone light colored, and shimmersand to anyone w/ a darker skin tone. it an amazing e/s base, after applying the shadestick the lid is still kinda 'sticky' and that's why the e/s will pack on even more, leaving a more vibrant color than I get using paints!

the shadesticks do not crease when you use e/s on top, without the e/s they might crease.


Well-known member
Quick question: are shadesticks available at the counters? I don't seem to remember seeing them there (but I wasn't lookin specifically for them anywas)?


Well-known member
yes, shadesticks are available at the counters.

definitely use these shadesticks for actually depositing colour to the lid. they are way too fat for even a thick line.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cinnamongurlee
yes, shadesticks are available at the counters.

definitely use these shadesticks for actually depositing colour to the lid. they are way too fat for even a thick line.

Could you not use a brush to apply it as a liner?


Well-known member
It's got a weird consistancy. Groupie uses hers a lot, maybe she could answer that question.
I only have Out to Sea or Sea Me (which ever is the blue one) and I I use it as a base or a liner when I do pick it up (which isn't often). I have a hard time controlling the amount that is deposited. They are slightly harder?? than kohls. hmmm difficult to explain.
But lots of people LOVE them. I say give it a shot, beige-ing is definately a safe one to experiment with.


Well-known member
they can be used as a liner, but you need some skills for that! they have a big point and therefor it's not easy to use it for that purpose.

i use beige-ing as a base for all other shadesticks, they glide better, and I feel like they are easier to handle. LKM if still have questions!


Active member
I saw that an artist used MangoMix as a liner on the eyes of a bridal model in the how to section on MAC's website. That was a color that I have been picking up, but just can't pull the trigger and buy it when I'm there.

I'm not very good with eyeliner to begin with so I thought the Shadesticks might do the trick.

Thanks fors the recs and heads up about the shape and size of the sticks.



Well-known member
I think sharkskin would look fantastic as a liner for blue-gray eyes. I have green-gray and always use Bobbi Brown granite gel eyeliner. If you're just looking for a your-eyelids-but-better shade for all over, go with shimmersand or beige-ing--they're both really pretty shades of beige!


Well-known member
My favorite shadesticks for lining are Sea Me, Lucky Jade, and Royal Hue.

I can use other liners for more sedate colors like brown or taupes.

I find that putting colors on top of the shadesticks like
chartreuse on lucky jade
my own purple mix on royal hue
parrot on sea me

Makes for a gorgeous liner on the eyes.

But then, I love bright colors and using them is one of my favorite things to do. Shadestick is unusual, and enough lines out there have plain colors that will give just as good performance.

Since Shadesticks stay put so well, it makes sense to me to buy the brighter colors that are more rare especially that stay put like shadesticks do.


Well-known member
Shadestick help please

I am looking to buy my first shadesticks but can anyone recommend 2 good colors to start off with? I usually wear browns (texture, patina, folie, satin taupe), golds (amber lights) or soft pinks (sushi flower) or purples (parfait amour).

I am a GGG, C40, so anything with too much frost or silver will really make my skin look ashy. I would go in person to test them out but unfortunately I won't have time to make it to a counter any time soon so online is my only option at this point.

Also, another issue I am concerned about is the tugging that most people seem to experience from shadesticks. Does anyone experience this and how do you remedy this?

Thanks in advance


Well-known member
My first shadesticks were beige-ing and pink coture. I love them both, and have used at leaast one of them everyday since I got them the first day they launched and there is still half left of each one. Beige-ing is a very pale beige almost skin colored one, but I find it's a perfect base because I can use it with any color of shadow I want, and it won't effect the actual color. The same pretty much goes with the pink coture.

Shoe Crazy

Well-known member
I have pink couture and I have to agree with roxybc it goes with almost everything, great base and very soft and neutral. I used it today actually with angelcake and pink venus it looked great.


Well-known member
I got rid of my pink couture because I thought it was too similar to beige-ing on my pale skin. I love my new silverbleu because it looks fabulous under purples or pinks, it's hardly what i would call "bleu."


Well-known member
I love pink couture, but honestly gracious me has replaced it...shimmersand is a really nice neutral color. Cedarrose and penny are to die for gorgeous...


Well-known member
One of the reasons why I love pink coture and beige-ing is because they are pretty much fool proof. I don't own any of the brighter colors yet, but I'm afraid that you'd see where I made a mistake of something. With beige-ing and pink coture, they pretty much blend into my natural skin color, but still act as a really good base and make the colors of my eye shadows "pop". The other shadestick I have is taupographic. I do wear a fair amount of browns, but I tend just to use the beige-ing shadestick.

The other colors I want are:

Fresh Cement
Silver Bleau
Gracious Me
Lucky Jade


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