Shadestick help


Well-known member
i love shadesticks but in my experience, there's pretty much no way to get them to glide on smoothly. just eyecream or whatever you put on under your base i guess.

but yeah, i agree that they go best on their own as a base itself.


Well-known member
I agree, skip the base. UDPP, when dry is a powder. You can't really mix mediums here, by trying to put a cream (shadestick) over a powder (UDPP). It will just cause the shadestick to drag. The rule of thumb is never apply a cream over a powder. That would be true for any powder base.


Well-known member
Hey Hon!

I agree. Try the Shadestick on its own. Also, I have noticed that if someone has dry skin on their lids, the Shadestick will grab on to that dehydrated skin and look chunky. Hope that helps.


Active member
Warm it up first. Helps it glide on so much smoother and deposit an even layer of colour. Just hold it near the heater for a min or two, or use the hairdryer on its lowest setting for a min.


New member
Originally Posted by MAC_Whore
... if someone has dry skin on their lids, the Shadestick will grab on to that dehydrated skin and look chunky ...

Totally. A little eye cream on first helps a lot.

(yay, my first post


Well-known member
I also recommend a little eye cream. I use a cheapie WnW cream shadow and my Shadesticks over that. This lasts on my oily lids for about 9-10 hours.


Well-known member
It could be the shadestick itself too. I recently bought maybe 3 or so shadesticks at once (having bought a few before) and the crimsonnaire was just dreadful, totally tugged at my lids and would barely show up (compared to the nice texture of the other ones I had).... It was just really dried out.. lucky MAC sent me a new (and very nice) one


Well-known member
You know, I asked Risa the same question in one of her fotd posts, and she said to use moisture feed eye to moisturize you lids first. Let that soak in and then try applying the shadestick. I have yet to try this too! But in the meantime, I rub the shadestick onto my finger (apply a generous amount) and apply onto my eyelid with my finger. This warms up the shadestick and gives you better control of application. From experience I find blending eyeshadow with shadesticks as a base really hard. I prefer paints.


Well-known member
Does it mean you don't use foundation & powder on eyelids? This is usually my makeup 'layers' including on the eyelids: moisturizer -> foundation -> (UDPP, sometimes) -> powder. Then I'll apply e/s on top of it. So if I want to use shadestick, which part I should skip? Powder?


Well-known member
Shadestick application question

How in the world do you all apply shadesticks. I have purchased two and they are so hard/dry. I have used them by just swiping them on my eye but I'm scared I'm going to rip off my eyelid. I have tried to use them several times but I just can't deal with them. I love the colors and I soooo want them to work for me.


Well-known member
shadestick vs. Paintstick

has anyone tried mainly the painsticks and what did you think? What is the difference between the two!!!


Well-known member
Re: shadestick vs. Paintstick

Paintsticks are more emollient and creamy than the Shadesticks. I'd use them more for body/face painting.

I haven't tried mine as an eyeshadow base, 'cause I use Paint Pots now and love them, so I just don't see the point, so I can't speak to that.


Well-known member
Re: BEST e/s base? A shadestick? A paint? A creamcolor base?

Try Paint Pot in Groundwork or Painterly: they're amazing as a base and prevent creasing.


Well-known member
Shadestick or Paint Pot?

I know this question has been asked before but I'm asking specifically as a base for greys and silvers. I wear Electra and Silver Ring a lot but find that the colour just doesn't pop over either Untitled paint or Painterly p/p.

I'm looking at getting either Sharkskin or Blackground but am not sure which to try. Any suggestions? TIA


Well-known member
Re: Shadestick or Paint Pot?

Personally, I prefer shadesticks as bases. PPs are nice, and with the exception of the McQueen ones, I prefer to wear them alone. For some reason, by the end of the day, my shadow looks...dirty and kind of grimy...when worn over a PP. One of the MAs at the MAC store I go to noticed the same thing, and says she prefers to wear the PPs alone for the same reason.


Well-known member
Re: Shadestick or Paint Pot?

im totally upposite.. i really like the paint pots and they keep my makeup lasting longer and more vibrant. Im having trouble getting the shadesticks to cover nicely seems there's always small spots were the skin tone sees through.
Thats my personal experience.

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