she's learning, :)


Well-known member
so my daughter is learning to help around the house. it's so cute. we ask her to throw stuff away for us and she happily bounces to the trash can in our kitchen and it's adorable because she always expects a hug and a thank you afterwards and you can tell she feels soo proud.

well i just asked her to toss a diaper in the BATHROOM trash. she knew exactly where to go, but needed me to open the door. so i followed her in there and she tossed it into the TOILET! i started cracking up and kneeled down and told her "no, that's the toilet." and i pointed to the trash can and said "that's the trash!" she then repeated "trash" and i took the diaper out of the toilet and put it in the trash.

then the funniest thing, she put her hand over her mouth as if to say "oops" and she did the silliest little giggle and shrugged her shoulders and walked away. ha ha!

ok sorry for the long post but she is getting cuter and funnier everyday and i just wanted to share that!


Well-known member
Awww how adorable!

How old is your daughter? She sounds around the same age as my brother as he is doing similar things at the moment!


Well-known member
Ohh, my brother was 2 in July. He's always been a bit behind though due to being very premature. hehe

She sounds like a cutie. <3


Well-known member
HAHAHA...that is so cute! My daughter just actually leaned how to throw stuff in the garbage also, she's going on 17 months next week. After she does she clapps her hands and we clapp with her and say yay!!

Sometime we find stuff in there that shouldn't be in there though...haha.

Another Janice!

Well-known member
Lol.....2 is a really cute age. They soak up everything like a sponge.

I caught my 3 and 1 year old three days ago trying to baptize the cat. In the toilet.


Well-known member
That's funny! My kids have thrown diapers in the kitchen sink thinking it was the trash. I'm trying to teach my two year old how not to grab the whole entire roll of toilet paper after using the potty. LOL

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