Shimpagne or Shooting Star? Argh!


Okay I was really confident to get Shooting Star last week but now with pictures of FOTDs sprouting up with Shimpagne in them, I'm having doubts. As much as I would like to get Shooting Star, this little voice in my head's telling me to get Shimpagne and I can only afford one -_-

I've included my picture below. I'm Asian so I have yellow skin undertones. Which MSF do you think I should get? Thanks in advance!


Er ignore the brows and the messy hair, I took this a minute ago.


Well-known member
shooting star!!! it will give you a fresh, healthy look.
shimpagne, on the other hand, will make you look greasy!

i didn't get shimpagne because of that. i think there are so many products out there which are similar to shimpagne (ie my lovely BELIGHTFUL iridescent powder)... shooting star, however, is versatile & unique!


Well-known member
Which ever one you get, I recommend a skunk brush to apply it. Shimpagne can be lovely, but too much does emphasize pores and can look "greasy". A light touch is required with it. Shooting Star is much more pigmented than Shimpagne (think Stereo Rose or Petticoat) and can be used as a bronzer. I prefer Shooting Star to Shimpagne, but I'm an NC25. I really think it depends on what you want to use it for. If you want a highlighter, Shimpagne is a better choice. If you want something with more color, Shooting Star would work better.


Well-known member
Shimpagne is like a highlighter, and to add a soft glow to the face, browbone, eyes etc

Shooting Star is like a bronzer, it imparts a healthy glow.

From that description which do you "need" most?

I love Shooting Star myself but I have a completely different skintone.


Well-known member
I have both and love them equally. I think it totally depends on what kind of look you are trying to achieve. I am an NW20, and although I love them both, I use Shimpagne everyday as a highlight, and Shooting star when I want a bronzier look.
In this picture (same as my avatar), I am wearing Shooting Star as a blush, and Shimpagne as a highlight. HTH!


Well-known member
i'm nc40, have both msf's but i use shooting star more than shimpagne. like other members, i only use shimpagne as highlighter but w/ shooting star, i use it as bronzer or blush. often, my skin gets more tanned from the beach & shooting star doesn't show as well, so i layer it with a brighter hued blush like desert rose or peachtwist. this gives a glow without looking like a piled on a lot of makeup!!

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