Shopping Addiction


Well-known member
I figured if I could take this possible problem anywhere it could be here. Does anyone else feel like their shopping tendency might be a little abnormal? I ran out of room for clothes long ago and started collecting jewelry... then I filled up a few jewelry boxes and went to makeup... which is part of what brings me here. I can afford my addiction most of the time.. but sometimes I put things on my credit card that I know I shouldn't =(

It spans all areas of my life too... sometimes when I can't go shopping I get excited about the grocery store!

Anyone else have a problem similar to this? Any tips on control and willpower?

I seriously identify 110% with Confessions of a Shopaholic


Well-known member

Haha, I love the shopaholic series, but sometimes she seems like a real ditz!

I find that I'm always thinking about shopping. If I'm not out there shopping, then I'm on the computer, looking for things to buy, comparing prices, working out exchange rates. Even when I'm trying to study for uni, I'll be making lists in my head of things I want to buy.

Eek, writing this down makes me feel like I'm revealing a dirty little secret. But it's quite scary.....I find myself late at night browsing ebay when I don't even *need* to buy anything, with another fifty browser windows open for online stores.

As for tips and controls, I went through a brief period where I documented every little thing that I bought on paper that I carried around with me. The only problem was, even though at the end of the each week when I would tally up the total and think, ohmygosh, how can I have spent that much with hardly anything to show for it; the next week I would do the same again? But it was against my power really, because there would be a sale on, or I really would desperately need to buy things......



Well-known member
i'm a shopaholic....especially now. My last contract ended & I'm having trouble finding a new one, so pretty much I just do some minimal consulting online & shop all day

I need a plan, like try no internet for 1 day, then 2 days,

I can't do much physical store shopping b/c I'm staying w/ my parents (trying to save $$
-not working, I'm spending the savings) & they live in the middle of nowhere so I don't wanna hassle to go anywhere, the internet is bad enough.

i could imagine the therapist saying i'm lacking something in my life and overcompensating by shopping....i know why i'm bingeing on mu right now, i've gain like 10lbs being at my parents, my old clothes don't really fit & i hate buying new larger clothes. I've started running to fix that, but the shopping is like I need to disconnect the paypal & turn off the remember the cc button (b/c i tried hiding the cards, but was like, hey it's in here already, why not hit the order button

i had an excel spreadsheet where i record every purchase, tally diff groups,'s really embarassing, but i just got another check (surprise one at that from an old assignment) & now i'm like hey what to buy now, when last week i was like
must stop now before I'm broke.

I will blame my dad for my "but it's a good deal" buys. Today at the grocery store, he bought these cookies (no one here eats cookies-we're salty snack ppl) b/c some one on the isle was like can you believe they're only 99cents?!

so i need help too


Well-known member
Oh yeah, after just reading what Parishoon wrote, I shop to make myself feel better too....on days when I feel down, I just hit the shopping centres to buy pretty things..

Throwaway Style

Well-known member
I used to shop a lot more than I do now, but having no steady cash flow (i babysit, woohoo) I haven't been shopping as much as looking. I'm trying really hard to save up money for a trip into New York in the future, just because there's all sorts of shopping I would love to do there. I've become more content with just looking at things.
I kinda stopped my shopping by focousing more on art, so that kinda keeps my mind of crazy shopping all the time, but it's hard with all these good stores so nearby in Chicago.


Well-known member
I can totally relate. Whenever I get my paycheck it's sometimes already spoken for with my wishlist! Even when I make a lot less money and am not working a lot I still manage to spend a lot of money... I don't know how I do it =(

But yeah, I have Nordies and Saks opened up right now browsing while at work.


Well-known member
Oh and Cookies, that is such a good idea! Usually I try to tally how much I've spent because I have a shopping budget every month... but if I carry around a list of what I've purchased that aren't necessities I think it will put things into perspective for me... that I definitely do go over my budget. I should maybe make a side list for "sales" =)

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