Should I be mad at the Bride?


Well-known member
Ya know, when I read that e-mail, I got the impression that the bride never really liked the original dress choice at all, didn't have the balls to say it, and blamed the change on another girl. I could be way off, but you gotta talk to this bride - the whole situation is weird. If after talking to her things aren't cleared up, decline the honor gracefully, and get out early so that no one can say that you didn't give her ample time to find another maid of honor or whatever.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by duckduck
Ya know, when I read that e-mail, I got the impression that the bride never really liked the original dress choice at all, didn't have the balls to say it, and blamed the change on another girl. I could be way off, but you gotta talk to this bride - the whole situation is weird. If after talking to her things aren't cleared up, decline the honor gracefully, and get out early so that no one can say that you didn't give her ample time to find another maid of honor or whatever.



Well-known member
I think you should talk to the bride, and if need be, back out. Its too much...silly drama. Who needs that? You can deal with that at your own wedding....

And I dont know if this was said....But am I the only one that thinks its absolutely ridiculous that
This new dress is a 2 piece sleeveless deep V in front AND back..
...for the pregnant girl? Ummmm if she's gonna be so damn pregnant why would she want to be more revealing?

Good luck girly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Ummmm if she's gonna be so damn pregnant why would she want to be more revealing?

I am laughing so hard at that statement I could die!!!!!!!!!!


I am a bride this year myself. I only have one MOH (my sister) and one bridesmaid (fiance's sister) and they are both very different. So instead of trying to find a dress that both of them will be happy with I picked a color and a designer and told them to get the dress they liked. I couldn't imagine putting seven ladies in the same dress in my opinion it is practically impossible. Talk to the bride if she allowed the other girl to change her dress ask if she can pick a color and designer and let all of you find your dresses. That way you can control how much you spend. If she doesn't think it's a good idea then suggest that she find another MOH.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Jessica6128
I am a bride this year myself. I only have one MOH (my sister) and one bridesmaid (fiance's sister) and they are both very different. So instead of trying to find a dress that both of them will be happy with I picked a color and a designer and told them to get the dress they liked. I couldn't imagine putting seven ladies in the same dress in my opinion it is practically impossible. Talk to the bride if she allowed the other girl to change her dress ask if she can pick a color and designer and let all of you find your dresses. That way you can control how much you spend. If she doesn't think it's a good idea then suggest that she find another MOH.

Yep- thats what I did! I picked a color and said "get a dress you like, in THIS color"

I've been reading everyone's comments. its good to know that I'm not overreacting. What bride changes a dress for a bridal party for ONE person, and.. goes shopping for a NEW dress without telling anyone! See! I'm not crazy.

As for the first dress. This bride INSISTED on a Renaissance dress. Her groom etc will be in KILTS.. yes, KILTS. This whole event is supposed to be very "medieval times" type stuff..

DiD I mention the wedding was on a Tuesday? Yep, during the WORK WEEK - 10/14 to be exact.


I don't think you overreacted at all. If she was going to let this one bridesmaid change her dress the very least she could do is let all of you pick your own dresses. And she is the one who suggested the theme and decided she disliked it. It seems to me she got wrapped up that the groom is wearing a kilt so she automatically thought Renaissance when she could have totally let him wear his kilt and still had normal dresses for the bridesmaids and herself. You see that all the time on the wedding shows on tv. I hope she comes to her senses and gives all of you the courtesy she did to the other bridesmaid.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
I think you should talk to the bride, and if need be, back out. Its too much...silly drama. Who needs that? You can deal with that at your own wedding....

And I dont know if this was said....But am I the only one that thinks its absolutely ridiculous that
This new dress is a 2 piece sleeveless deep V in front AND back..
...for the pregnant girl? Ummmm if she's gonna be so damn pregnant why would she want to be more revealing?

Good luck girly.

That's exactly what I thought. I would talk to the bride and then if nothing could be resolved tell her You appreciate the offer and love her to death but being in the wedding right now isn't really fitting in with your budget or schedule

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
It sounds like the pregnant, married woman is taking over your duties (I assume she's the one who sent the meetup email?) Perhaps you should give her those responsibilities.

I think that you're not being unreasonable. Yeah, it's the bride and groom's day, but if they're expecting other people to help, they need to be considerate.

The fact that she chose a dress that makes you feel uncomfortable and is more money is absurd. I would try to talk to her about it, if you really want to participate in this wedding.

Depending on how close you are to the bride (I'm guessing very, if she picked you for MOH), perhaps you should talk to her about everything?