Should I just give up or what? MAC foundations


Well-known member
Hey y'all. I haven't been here in a while but I've come back in full force these past couple of days...

Anyhoo, I've been wearing SFF in NW43 for a while and I thought it was cool but one day I looked at my makeup outside and it was mad PINK!

So I went to a MAC counter and the MA matched me to NC50 in studio fix (and NW 40 studio finish concealer, which I wore already), and I looked close but reaaaally yellow. At a different MAC store I was matched to NC45 and it was mad ORANGE
...They did each side of my face with NC and NW on either side. In outside lighting, on one side I looked like a starburst candy (pink) and on the other like an oompa-loompa (orange).

When I look in the mirror at my face I see beige, and in my arms are green and blue veins on yellow-peachy skin. The thing is, I've been breaking out a lot and I have redness on my face (sensitive skin that gets splotchy easily) and MAs tend to try to match to the redness...

Here's a pic of my skin with NW43 SFF with a layer of the NC45 Select Sheer loose powder:

And this is my face with Prescriptives Fresh Ginger, after a sit-down with a counter MA. I am standing in front of a window btw. I also got a sample of Fresh Antelope (one shade lighter), that I think works better:

This is me without makeup (brace yourselves, lol!)

Alrighty, ahem, any suggestions? Mac or Prescriptives? Bag over my head?

Thanks in advance


Well-known member
I like the Mac, but it's hard to tell, the lighting looks so different. Frankly, you are gorgeous in both.


Well-known member
Yeah, I'd have to take a pic of the Mac in the daylight, since the bathroom lighting is yellow-based. But if you look closely, you can see a tone difference in my neck from my face (face is too yellow).

I think I like the Perspectives a little better, it's lighter feeling, and it didn't take a bunch of mixing...MAC I have to combine various shades, so it's not so fun. As much as I love MAC it's just not for me in the foundation dept. Oh well, gotta go return it all, haha.

I stopped by another Perspectives counter today and the lady said there is a foundation stick coming out! Now that I know what color I like, I am looking forward to having options.

Thanks ladies for the advice and compliments!


Well-known member
I think that Prescriptives looks more natural. I have friends that use Prescriptives and I rarely realize they are wearing foundation.


Well-known member
I like the Px better...since you are lighter than me (I'm NC45) you should probably go with Antelope as I use that. Currently I am using Chanel Teint Innocence in Walnut and I LOVE it! Anyway, I have a Px Virtual Fresh that is too heavy for me in my swap post if you want to take a look.


Well-known member
It's really hard to tell in these pics.

If your face is sensitive, I hate to say this, but I think you might want to steer clear of MAC foundations. (Hopefully, I won't get blasted for that. I don't mean any disrespect.) I've heard a lot that MAC face stuff tends to break people out easily and/or doesn't work well for trouble-prone skin.

Have you tried minerals?

For a better judge of your true skin tone - try taking a pic of yourself in direct sunlight with no make-up on. That might help give a better idea of your *true* skin tone!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by entipy
It's really hard to tell in these pics.

If your face is sensitive, I hate to say this, but I think you might want to steer clear of MAC foundations. (Hopefully, I won't get blasted for that. I don't mean any disrespect.) I've heard a lot that MAC face stuff tends to break people out easily and/or doesn't work well for trouble-prone skin.

Have you tried minerals?

For a better judge of your true skin tone - try taking a pic of yourself in direct sunlight with no make-up on. That might help give a better idea of your *true* skin tone!

Yeah, I plan on returning all the various MAC foundations I've desperately purchased in the past week (it's that serious)...I try not to do Studio Fix for that reason, but SFF is fine for me if I could've found the right shade. MAC apparently doesn't do yellow-orange. Oh well.

I think eventually I will try mineral foundations when my skin clears back up *sigh*, but right now I need the coverage--I have moderate hyperpigmentation that I am treating post-acne due to crazy stress.

I do have pics of my skin in daylight, but when I go to the counters, it seems like MAs don't want to listen to me when I tell them about my undertones--they ALWAYS pick up a bottle that is like 2 shades darker than what my skin is. The lady at Px was only off by one shade, so I'll take what I can get, which was 2 samples. Interestingly enough, today I used Antelope all over with Ginger in the forehead area. It looked really good. I'll have to do some FOTDs soon, lol


Well-known member
I like the Prescriptives... you look more luminous.

I know what you mean about giving up. The Prescriptives MAs were the first ones to mismatch me.

I have very pink cheeks and the MAs always want to give me a pink toned foundation. Something like a NW20. I don't think it's a good match, because it looks too pink in certain lights. I prefer a more neutral shade, somewhere in the middle of NW and NC.

I usually solve the problems by not wearing foundation, just concealer where I need it. And I use both NW and NC for that.


Well-known member
The Px is better on you. Is that a custom-blend, or a standard color they matched to you? You could always try custom-blend? I totally get what you're saying about the MAs trying to match the red in the skin. What a silly mistake!

The MAC is probably too much for your skin, anyway, since you're senstive- it's probably smothering your pores. And I bet you're having a hard time with the SFF because it can tend to oxidize on some people (meaning: it can turn orange). That may be why the NWs are too pink, but the NCs are looking orange. Bummer! MAC ain't for everyone - I love it, but not the foundations.

Maybe you'll have good luck with the new Mineral foundation when it comes out? I LOVE LOVE LOVE the MSF Naturals, but they may be too red for you... worth a shot if you're by the counter. I use mine as a foundation- and you can get great coverage if you use a buffer or kabuki or blush brush to apply it. Then mist with Fix+. Instant radiance!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
The Px is better on you. Is that a custom-blend, or a standard color they matched to you? You could always try custom-blend? I totally get what you're saying about the MAs trying to match the red in the skin. What a silly mistake!

The MAC is probably too much for your skin, anyway, since you're senstive- it's probably smothering your pores. And I bet you're having a hard time with the SFF because it can tend to oxidize on some people (meaning: it can turn orange). That may be why the NWs are too pink, but the NCs are looking orange. Bummer! MAC ain't for everyone - I love it, but not the foundations.

Maybe you'll have good luck with the new Mineral foundation when it comes out? I LOVE LOVE LOVE the MSF Naturals, but they may be too red for you... worth a shot if you're by the counter. I use mine as a foundation- and you can get great coverage if you use a buffer or kabuki or blush brush to apply it. Then mist with Fix+. Instant radiance!

Thanks! You know, I've been wearing Fresh Antelope for the past couple of days in various lighting situations (one shade lighter than the 2nd pic in my first post) and I do have to say it's really good! It's a stock shade--to be honest I don't think I'd need to spend the extra for the custom shade, just because my face isn't the same shade all over (just slightly darker in the forehead and outer perimeter of the face), so choosing Antelope and using the sample of Fresh Ginger on my forehead for blending works well. Then when it's warmer out and I get a little sun, Fresh Ginger will look great.

Here is a side shot of Prescriptives Fresh Ginger

Here is Prescriptives Fresh Antelope


Thanks again for y'alls responses


Well-known member
I'm definitely learning that MAC is not the end all be all for my makeup needs. This whole situation has forced me to step out of the box, and that's been really cool!


Well-known member
Good for you, I have the same problem. But I don't want to buy 2 full bottle of foundation and mix. I haven't found a formula in Px that I like they are either too thick or the spf irritates me.


Well-known member
I'm NC 42-45 and I find all MAc foundations are either too orangey for me or too pinky.
I use Prescriptives Virtual Skin in Tan and for lighter makeup days I use the skin responsive tint in level 4.
Go for the prescriptives!


Well-known member
I think the Fresh Antelope looks great on you. And, I so agree with your statement that MAC is not the end all be all for my makeup needs also.


Well-known member
ugh MAC foundation colors are NOT great! I am too pale for their lightest shade in the winter but MAs always try and convince me to go with it, so I look like a Simpsons character haha.

I think the Prescriptives foundation looks great on you, and it's much better with your natural skin tone!

Love Always Ivy

Well-known member
yo the perscriptives looks good on you. mac is not the end all be all! trust me i tried to pretend to myself and to the world that nc35 studio fix that broke me out into cystic acne was my HG foundation. nuh uh! mac is cool and all, but i feel like everyone forgets that there are OTHER great lines out there too.

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