Should I stay or leave?


Well-known member
This is work related...I've been working at this retail place for about three months. Lately I've been feeling uncomfortable around my manager and this other girl I will call her Jamie. I hear from my other co-workers who have left the job already, and another is leaving too.. that they dont really like the manager and Jamie. My co-workers say that our manager is not a good manager at all compared to the one they had before and that Jamie is like her little pet what ever we do wrong whenever we work with Jamie she will tell the manager.

I rarely talk to my manager, I try to make conversation with her but she gives me short answers. I only say "hi" or "bye" to her and thats it, so I feel awkward whenever im around her. With Jamie she gives me this stare (god I hate it!) its like I dont even know how to explain it but it makes me feel uncomfortable. She underestimates me. She thinks I dont know where things are in the store, but I do know where everything is like I've been working here for 3 months. If I do something wrong on the register she will watch me and tell me what to do when i actually know how to fix my problem. Just the other night I was throwing out the trash and I forgot a few boxes...she was like "umm you forgot to throw those boxes away in the back" and i was like "what I did? where?" like all nicely too and she was like "in the backdoooooooooooor" in a mean way and i was like geesh! thinking to myself you dont have to talk to me like that.

I mean theres like some catty-ness going on here that I cant explain on here because this post would be too long....

I dont know what to do, I feel like leaving the job but then I will feel bad because then there will only be two people working there and before there were 8 girls working. I dont know why I would feel bad I mean this isnt an important job where i get paid tons of money! just a job to help me pay my college part of my college tuition. I just wouldnt know how to leave the job how should I say that I dont want to work there anymore? My bf tells me to just stay there for a few more months just to see how things go with the new people who are gonna come into this job. I just want to get some of your opinions or advice from your experiences with working with people you dont like or feel uncomfortable with. Would you stay or leave? :confused:



Well-known member
find another job! keep your options open becuz clearly you aren't happy there and not treated well so try to look for another job while you're working there and when you get it deliver your big fat 2 weeks notice to manager and slack off for the rest of the time you're being paid there :p


Well-known member
You should leave....I've been in the same position in the past working in retail and what I've found is that when it's making you unhappy and if you're thinking about it outside of worktime then it's not worth it at all...sure you could wait it out for a few more months, but then if you're going to wait a few months then maybe at the end of those months you'll still be thinking the same thing and wondering, but if more new people come...

People generally feel guilty leaving a job (even if they're miserable) because they have a strong work that only reflects well on you!

I agree with cupcakekiss, start looking for another job while you're still at this one, then at least you'll have the thought of leaving as a comfort for you!

Hope this helps!

People in retail can be such cows


Well-known member
Thanks girls...seriously just the last few days have been a pain because one of the girls name Amy is quitting and she is an assistant manager...we openly talk to eachother about the problems going around at work so now that shes leaving too, Im like totally bummed. And so I mentioned it to to Jamie...the thing is Amy and Jamie dont really like eachother. I was talking to Jamie about this one other girl leaving saying "aw it sucks that everybody is leaving...first its with Jessica, then soon its going to be Ashley, and now Amy" And I guess Jamie was suprised and didnt actually know about Amy leaving, so I was confused because Amy said she put her two weeks notice in and I was there when she was writing the letter and put it in the managers little mailbox. So then Im like "well dont tell anyone then, cause im not actually sure about it then...i thought she was leaving but I guess not."

So now I get a call from Amy asking if I told the manager that she was quitting and I was like nooo, but I mentioned it to Jamie then I told her what exactly I was saying to her, but told her not to tell anyone because I wasnt sure that the manager wanted anybody else to know. But that little B***ch told the manager and now Amy is upset at me because I mentioned it. To find out she changed her mind and took the letter out. So now im like person is mad at me the other is a B***ch at me and plus the manager rarely talks to me which I dont know why...

Darn...and I work with Amy the rest of the week I just hope she doesnt think Im just like Jamie cause im not, I just assumed that Jamie would know since she and the manager talk about everything. I do need to find another job...I shouldnt be stressing so much! I should be stressing about school heh. blahhh


Well-known member
To put it point blank, you need to find another job but heres why-
#1) You feel uncomfortable. I've been there before at Home Depot. It's a discomfort you can't get away from.
#2) mgt. Just by the sound of it it seems to me that you got the short end of the stick.

Really the best thing for you to do right now is to get another job if for nothing else than your own personal wellbeing.


Well-known member

I was at a job with a very poor manager (bad money too... ugh) and about 6 of us left within the month because it was just getting to be such a bad place to work!

If your employer doesn't treat you with any kind of respect and makes you feel uncomfortable, don't feel like it's your responsibility to stay!


Well-known member
^yeah I dont know why I feel responsible or feel that I "HAVE" to stay. Its just that its my first job so I dont know what to do...if I leave at the end of this month how should I tell my manager "nicely" in a professional way that Im going to leave the job for another job? and if she asks why Im leaving what should I say? just for personal reasons?...because I dont want to go into details...hmmm


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pink_minx
Thanks girls...seriously just the last few days have been a pain because one of the girls name Amy is quitting and she is an assistant manager...we openly talk to eachother about the problems going around at work so now that shes leaving too, Im like totally bummed. And so I mentioned it to to Jamie...the thing is Amy and Jamie dont really like eachother. I was talking to Jamie about this one other girl leaving saying "aw it sucks that everybody is leaving...first its with Jessica, then soon its going to be Ashley, and now Amy" And I guess Jamie was suprised and didnt actually know about Amy leaving, so I was confused because Amy said she put her two weeks notice in and I was there when she was writing the letter and put it in the managers little mailbox. So then Im like "well dont tell anyone then, cause im not actually sure about it then...i thought she was leaving but I guess not."

So now I get a call from Amy asking if I told the manager that she was quitting and I was like nooo, but I mentioned it to Jamie then I told her what exactly I was saying to her, but told her not to tell anyone because I wasnt sure that the manager wanted anybody else to know. But that little B***ch told the manager and now Amy is upset at me because I mentioned it. To find out she changed her mind and took the letter out. So now im like person is mad at me the other is a B***ch at me and plus the manager rarely talks to me which I dont know why...

Darn...and I work with Amy the rest of the week I just hope she doesnt think Im just like Jamie cause im not, I just assumed that Jamie would know since she and the manager talk about everything. I do need to find another job...I shouldnt be stressing so much! I should be stressing about school heh. blahhh

I'm going to start off by asking "How old are you?" I'm guessing that this is your first job, so one of the biggest lessons you need to learn is to NOT discuss another employee's intentions with anyone else. As you've just discovered, people DO change their mind (often!) and it serves absolutely no purpose to share another employee's plans with anyone else because it's YOU who ends up looking foolish & untrustworthy.

I'm also a bit confused as to why you would even share Amy's intentions with Jamie in the first place...especially since you already know how Jamie "is".

As far as giving an employer a reason for leaving, you are NOT obligated to give one. What's your employer going to do, make you STAY at the job because you won't give them a reason?

In fact, you don't even have to list this particular job on your resume or future job applications...especially if your college major/minor doesn't pertain to retail.

You definitely do need to start looking for another job. Misery manifests itself physically (frown lines) and emotionally (taking your frustration out on those closest to you).

Good luck!


Well-known member
You don't have to give your boss any information you don't want to. Just say that, due to personal reasons and the fact that you've found a new job, you are leaving. Like the above poster stated, they can't make you stay!


Well-known member
It is her first job (from her post) and I think theres a lot of stuff you have to learn in the work field and professional field that a lot of people don't tell first time people.
For example: To not tell people what others intentions are. Seriously once you're in a place keep your mouth shut at all costs unless it involves something that could get your @$$ in trouble. ALWAYS watch your own back first.

Another thing is when leaving a job-make sure you have one to follow it and make sure you give a two week notice. With that two week notice all you have to put is such and such a date is my last day. The reason for that is (again its covering your ass here) is that if something should happen to you later that involves your job (ie: Say you got hurt, say you found out the money screwed you some money etc) then the thing you need to remember is if you put "I loved working here etc" then the lawyers can turn that against you. Best advice I ever got from home depot!

Anyway hope that helps some.


Active member
Originally Posted by Amethyst_beauty
I'm guessing that this is your first job, so one of the biggest lessons you need to learn is to NOT discuss another employee's intentions with anyone else. As you've just discovered, people DO change their mind (often!) and it serves absolutely no purpose to share another employee's plans with anyone else because it's YOU who ends up looking foolish & untrustworthy.

I'm also a bit confused as to why you would even share Amy's intentions with Jamie in the first place...especially since you already know how Jamie "is".



Well-known member
you should leave ..
ive been in retail for over a year and a half already. and its only been with two different jobs. one nonprofit job and at Target. both of them are history now because of the managers. let me be conceited here and say that i thought i was a pretty good cashier. but the managers thought different of me because at the end of my term i was calling in numerous times (i know its bad enough) but for good reason. i had a family member who was getting married, one that was extremely ill, and had then passed away. yet they still thought that wasnt enough of a reason for unexpected callouts.
so girl i know what your talking about. leave get a better job, then go gloat in their face and show them how much more fun you're having at your other job lOl ..