should I wait to dye again...


Well-known member
i dyed my hair w/ semi permanant color about 2 months ago with a reddish brown, so now im looking to cover over that red in hopes to get back to my natural black-brown(I'll be using semi perm. again)

Would it be safe to dye it again or should I wait longer? Its not like im super anxious to dye it but ive been keeping up with this red for a while and my roots are starting to grow out so idk id like to dye if i can.

thanks in advanceee!


Well-known member
2 months ? your deff. Good to go!

Regardless of Deposit only or not. It all still contains peroxide. I wouldn't dye my hair brown two days in a row. although its possible that on my hair nothing would happen. everyone has different hair. But since it has been 2 months you can do whatever you want .