Side Swept Hair Or Middle Parted?


im usually used to middle parting my hair, but lately i have trying the whole side-swept look.. im not sure if im suppose to have a certain cut, but with my layers, it is not looking right when i try to side swept it?



Well-known member
Layered side swept look.(IMO) I think it looks gorgeous on people with thick/ a lot of hair. I have seen this cut on people with thin/fine hair and it doesn't look pretty. I really think one needs to have a full hair to pull off this look. Side swept look is very pretty if one can pull it off right. :p (no matter how ever its put on at the end of the day- let it be in a messy bun or in a ponytail)


Well-known member
Layered side swept indeed. I love that hair style

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I like how sideswept adds a little mystery, very sexy. I think a middle part can be sexy, just a different kind.

I think your hair has to be cut with the intention of it being side swept, if it's a dramatic side part, like Nicole Richie's. If it's slightly to the side, I think it's doable without a different cut.


hmn, i dont have a lot of hair, so i don't think i can pull it off =/ BLAH! lol, some people are just so damn lucky!


Well-known member
layered=side or centre- it doens't matter how thick your hair is!
same lenght all over= centre
you can experiment like this start with centre and then go 1/4 inch to one side until u find the best side part (do it with both sides, some ppl look better with side parted to left others to the right!) . Also you could centre part and the take only the front to a side...just an idea


Well-known member
It's all about how it looks on you. People can have the same hair cut/style but look completely different! If you FEEL sexy you will exude that attitude and BE sexier