Sigh...No time.


Well-known member
So recently my boyfriend & I haven't been spending much time together. We see eachother every day, but I have school & work on the weekends & he works pretty much ALL THE TIME now that we rarely spend a day together or do something nice together without worrying about something coming up. Well today I had a dentist appointment & I cancelled it to spend more time with him since he has a day off. I wake him up to tell him then he goes, "Why did you do that? You shouldn't cancel that appointment to spend time with me. Go!" At that instant I just fume. He's the one that complains we don't spend much time together then he pulls something like that?! Ugh. This isn't the first time he's gotten me mad like this. I'm honestly getting fed up with him being ungrateful & unappricative. I've never had this problem before with a guy. It seems like he doesn't want to spend time with me & all he wants to do is work & play his video games. *sigh. I don't like feeling like this.


Well-known member
ugh, i know how you feel all too well, honey
there's not much you can do other than talk to him about it. sit him down and let him know how much it's bothering you how ungrateful he is...and ask him if he really wants the relationship. ully a good talk can straighten this out. hope everything works out for you mzjae :loveya:


Well-known member
Aww I'm sorry my cousin is being such a butt head! I agree though, talk to him and let him know how you feel. Spending time together isn't as precious to boys as it is for girls but if he really cares for you then he'll do whatever he needs to do to keep you happy. I hope you guys are able to work through this because you guys are really great together!!

Oh and by the games are #1 competition for g/f's. Sad but true!! At least it was for my ex and still is for my current beau as well as everyone else I know who have guys that are gamers


Well-known member
Let's not get me started with the video games... haha... I remember when my fiance brought home the xbox 360. I was jealous! That thing got more play time than I did. Everyone is right though, usually it's not something you can do to change anything... you have to talk to him and let him know what's going on then sit back and see if he wants to change for himself. Unfortunately, they arent mind readers... or maybe it's good that they arent?


Well-known member
I feel ya on the whole not spending enough time together thing but DH is gone working so I suppose it's justified LOL, however when he is home my competition is his turntables aka his girlfriend. It's hard though, we only have the weekends together and it's a constant growing process for me and our relationship. I would talk to him, let him know how your feeling and hopefully he will open his eyes and understand how he made you feel.


Well-known member
My BF and I hardly spend time together. I've got a day job, kickboxing during most evenings and going to start sign language classes. He works odd hours as a manager of a Circuit City and he's a sensei for the judo club at our old high school. We see each other... once a week, on Friday nights. It's honestly about trying to keep communication open and using my damn phone A LOT.

You know what helps, though? Make regular date nights (like my Fridays). We go out to eat or we hang out together with his friends or mine. Either that or he comes over to my parent's house to eat. I don't live with him, so I hardly see him and he's so busy that he doesn't eat properly.

Anyway- about the dentist- he was probably upset that you cancelled something dealing with your health, that you planned previously. My BF and I don't cancel important things just to spend time with each other. If it was going out with my girls? Maybe, depending if it was someone's bday or not. If it was just a normal "I'm going to Wal-Mart thing", cancel it or take him along. If it's important, he will understand if you go.

Also, I play video games more than he does!
I COMPLETELY take over the wii and the 360 when he's not looking (not to mention the huge ass TV- it pays to date a manager sometimes!). That damn X-men game is addictive.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ~LadyLocks~
Aww I'm sorry my cousin is being such a butt head! I agree though, talk to him and let him know how you feel. Spending time together isn't as precious to boys as it is for girls but if he really cares for you then he'll do whatever he needs to do to keep you happy. I hope you guys are able to work through this because you guys are really great together!!

Oh and by the games are #1 competition for g/f's. Sad but true!! At least it was for my ex and still is for my current beau as well as everyone else I know who have guys that are gamers

So true! Those damn video games. Hope everything works out!


Well-known member
I know how you feel.

My b/f is a police officer working swing shifts. (1PM-midnight). Up until recently he was working Sun-Wed and I worked Wed-Sat!!! WE NEVER SAW EACHOTHER!

Talk to him... If you guys truly love/like each other, somehow it will work out for you. Ask him for just one night/day for the two of you.

Hope everything works out!!!


my bf is serving his national service for 2 years..its a must back i only get to meet him on a early sunday which on sunday night he will have to go back to camp.and i have to wait for him to book out on friday night.but i never meet him on fridaes and saturdaes because he always wants to spend time with his oh well.

talk to him how you feel and i hope that things ill work out fine.wish u all the best!


Well-known member
I'm in a similar boyfriend works Mon-Fri 1st shift, and then goes to school Mon-Thurs nights until 10pm, and I'm in school monday and wednesday from 8am-10pm and I work fri-sun 1st shift.
Long story short? We NEVER see each other. It's hard, it's frustrating,and for a while, we were picking fights with each other when we did see each other.
I'd recommend finding a minute to talk to him and explain how much you care about him, and express your frustrations. Let him do the same. It doesn't make any more time magically appear, but realizing you're both on the same page does wonders.
Good luck!