"Skinny Model Ban" in Madrid

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Making posts with relevant points is appreciated.

Stirring the pot with the intention of getting a rise out of people is not.


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Originally Posted by little teaser
sorry i read it wrong.. lol

I understand. That's why it's important to read the content before hitting reply...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
What about your Greek model example?

I agree and already mentioned that it was a bad example.

Originally Posted by Raerae
I was thinking more along the lines of the David when i typed that, actually dont think thats Greek lol. Since it was done by Michelangelo. But of the ideal body. However there are similar greek statues of that perfect idealised physique.

Probably not the best choice due to the context of the conversation.

My bad? lol

Not to nit pick on your reading comprehension or anything... But since you wanna pick on my grammar and spelling lol...



Well-known member
You guys aren't just discussing a "hot topic." You are insulting other people.
And thats my last post on this thread.


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Originally Posted by as_cute_as_pie
to be perfectly honest i dont see anything severly wrong with the picture

I totally agree lol, she looks fine to me.


Well-known member
I'm quite aware that you said "OOPS my bad" however, my point was that no one was disrespectful in pointing out the inaccuracy of your example.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
YOU judge them solely on looks.
YOU do.
Keep that in mind.

Oh please. Tell me exactly how your going to judge John Doe who you have known for all of 5 seconds?

Or how abour in reverse. You see 3 random guys, all dressed the same standing at the bar. 1 is ugly, 1 is average, and 1 is attractive. Where do you stand when you walk to the bar.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I'm quite aware that you said "OOPS my bad" however, my point was that no one was disrespectful in pointing out the inaccuracy of your example.

Actually you called me on it. I dont believe I was disrespectful in any way when saying that using a fake photo as an example to prove a point is silly.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Oh please. Tell me exactly how your going to judge John Doe who you have known for all of 5 seconds?

Or how abour in reverse. You see 3 random guys, all dressed the same standing at the bar. 1 is ugly, 1 is average, and 1 is attractive. Where do you stand when you walk to the bar.

Like I said, I don't hit on anyone based on appearance alone. Observation of human behaviour is key.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Actually you called me on it. I dont believe I was disrespectful in any way when saying that using a fake photo as an example to prove a point is silly.

You were disrespectful in subsequent postings.

I did call you on it, but I was not rude, nor was I disrespectful.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
You were disrespectful in subsequent postings.

Please quote me, I dont believe i was disrespectful in anything. As much of a bitch as I can be, I do try to keep things civil.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
Like I said, I don't hit on anyone based on appearance alone. Observation of human behaviour is key.

Your changing the paramaters of my example though to fit your reply. Which is invalidating your responses.

How do you observe behavior when you have your head down in the fresh veggies picking out dinner, when John Doe says, "escuse me miss" from behind you. And before you have a chance to do ANYTHING, says, "I walked in and saw you (AKA, i was looking at your butt when you were leaning over the produce counter), and had to come over. Would you like to get some coffee?"

Or have you never been asked out on the fly before?


Well-known member
Of course not.
I've been a mom since I was sixteen, therefore I haven't had fun in eleven years, add in that I'm married therefore I'm obviously dead, not to mention hideously overweight and I never get hit on.


Yes, I've been hit on on the fly, and generally my response is not based on his appearance at all.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Please quote me, I dont believe i was disrespectful in anything. As much of a bitch as I can be, I do try to keep things civil.

That would defete the purpose of removing it from the thread.


Well-known member
Do get this back on track... From the bottom of the photo CNN article...

"Eating disorder activists said many Spanish model agencies and designers oppose the ban and they had doubts whether the new rules would be followed.

"If they don't go along with it the next step is to seek legislation, just like with tobacco," said Carmen Gonzalez of Spain's Association in Defense of Attention for Anorexia and Bulimia, which has campaigned for restrictions since the 1990s"

So now they want to make it illegal to be skinny. Whats next? lol


Well-known member
Wow. Maybe it would be a good idea for everyone to step away from the post and take a breath for a while? That way the tension won't be so strong you could cut through it with a knife?

This thread has been around for a few weeks and I gotta say point blank-everything pertaining to this thread has already been said. Even though every post and topic is important this is not of such great importance that this needs to escalate any further IMHO

and yes, i do realize it is not my place...but someone had to say it, may as well be me


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
Do get this back on track... From the bottom of the photo CNN article...

"Eating disorder activists said many Spanish model agencies and designers oppose the ban and they had doubts whether the new rules would be followed.

"If they don't go along with it the next step is to seek legislation, just like with tobacco," said Carmen Gonzalez of Spain's Association in Defense of Attention for Anorexia and Bulimia, which has campaigned for restrictions since the 1990s"

So now they want to make it illegal to be skinny. Whats next? lol

I think that's an exxageration, I believe the correct phrasing would be that the officials are working to make it illegal to employ unhealthy models.
I'm sure that were they to take that step, there would be other criteria to work base the dismissal off of, besides BMI.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MarniMac
Size 0 models aren't mothers (ok, very often aren't mothers. damn you heidi klum...but I don't think she's a size 0 anyway).

I know you qualified your statement with a "okay, very often aren't mothers," but I still think that statement is as damaging as saying, "Size 16 women aren't athletic or active." Natalia Vodionova, Angela Lindvall, Christy Turlington, Carolyn Murphy, Trish Goff - all mothers, all models, and all very, very small (if not size 0 then pretty darn close to it). Some women snap back to their original tiny size after giving birth for the same mysterious reasons that someone who is a size 16 can work out and be active and still not lose. As you said, human bodies come in many different, wonderful varieties and the only limits on what they can do are the ones we put on them.


Well-known member
Working with the keeping this on topic...

Originally Posted by Shimmer
I think that's an exxageration, I believe the correct phrasing would be that the officials are working to make it illegal to employ unhealthy models.
I'm sure that were they to take that step, there would be other criteria to work base the dismissal off of, besides BMI.

Wouldn't that qualify as discrimintion? Whats the definition of unhealthy anyways? As long as someone is capable of doing the job, AKA walking down a runway, at least in CA (obviously this is out of state, but were it to come to my state) it's illegal to discriminate based on RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, NATIONAL ORIGIN, DISABILITY, and AGE. So restricting BMI wouldn't really be legal, least not in the states.

Wouldn't Anarexia be considered a disability? I know diseases fall into that catagory because most companies have a dont ask dont tell policy on people personal medical business to avoid lawsuits.

Maybe modeling is the only type of work some Ana girls are good at?

Obviously a designer could choose not to use severly un-healthy girls in their "look," but I dont think a blanket ban, or legislation will stand. Least not in the states.
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