• As of January 16, 2018, all posts in this section are moderated. Please engage with the community within the rest of the forums, remembering that you may not post your own tutorial links outside this section. Also remember to put your content in the proper space.

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***Smokey Blue & Purple inspired by Cool Heat and NYX***


Well-known member
From my recent fotd:



YouTube - Smokey Blue & Purple - Part 1

YouTube - Smokey Blue & Purple - Part 2

Can be watched in high quality on Youtube. Thanks so much for checking it out, subscribing, etc.


Well-known member
amazing, i would have totally loved this for prom as my dress was a dark navy, but oh well another time...its beautiful!


Well-known member
Looks great! I love using these particular shades together!

You did a great job!


Well-known member
This look is amazing! You are so talented. Thank you for taking the time to make it and as always I look forward to more vids.


Well-known member
You have become one of my favourite poster, and I always look forward to your FOTD, this time you have out done yourself. This look is brilliant.


Well-known member
I love all your tutorials!! They are so inspiring!! Thanks for sharing your talent with the rest of us!