Snob Lipstick - Similar shades?


New member
Hi i'm new, this is my 1st post

I'm inlove with MAC Snob lipstick, my local MAC counter is out of stock though, so I was after your expert opinions on which other MAC shades look similar to Snob. This is what Snob looks like


I've come across a couple but i've never seen them in the flesh so I can only tell by photos which are sometimes decieving.

MAC Primped Up....looks alot similar to Snob in this photo that I found..but i'm guessing it's darker in real life?


MAC Punkin'.....slighly more intense perhaps? more of a vibrant pink?


MAC Mlle....looks beautiful and looks like the perfect Snob replacement but it's discontined
Not fair.


Any other shades I should consider? I'm after that gorgeous baby-barbie-pink look. I don't mind the texture of the lipstick either.


Well-known member
None of mine are close at all really...closest would be Rimmel Pink Champagne (110)
I would just wait until Snob comes back in stock at your store. Won't be long.