So Called "Mac Bible?!"

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Hey well...i just won an auction on Ebay for the "Mac Bible" aka the employee manual CD....I was soo excited! but then i started wondering if this is actually usefull. Does anyone know if that Manual is any good? Or if it is even helpfull? Please help! lol but its only $5.50...soo i dont feel soo bad lol


Well-known member
$5.50, WOW! I really wanted one of these but here, that last one sold for $162NZD!!! So $5.50, who cares, if its worth it then, hell hun you really scored a bargain, if not well, $5.50 aint too much... hope it is fun and useful, let me know how it goes coz I wanna get one...


Well-known member
Umm... to be honest.... Its not that great. We use it for product information such as... ingredients and for training purposes (example ... what to suggest along with your "fast response eye cream". Also if u wanted to know what each brush is made of than this helps, but other than that, a regular MAC customer (doesnt matter how dedicated and obsessed u are) doesnt really need the "bible". Hope this helps you out.


Well there is More!!! there is like 5 more on there that are starting at $3.99 and one that is a buy it now at 9.99..Yea the money isnt a big deal. but im excited too see what i can learn. I just want to know if anyone else on here has seen it and if its good lol


Well-known member
It's just about products, ingredients, and sales. There is nothing in it about application or technique. It probably won't be too exciting for you, IMO. I bought one a few years ago, out of curiosity. I think it was around $4, so no big loss.


I have never bought anything off of ebay before so i was a little nervous about what i was getting myself into...Is there different CD manuals? because on the auction this is part of the discription.

"This MAC COSMETICS 2005/2006 COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL DELUXE TRAINING MANUAL ON CD will show you techniques and application secrets that will make you look better than you ever imagined.

This MAC COSMETICS 2005/2006 COMPLETE PROFESSIONAL DELUXE TRAINING MANUAL ON CD contains over 540 pages of information, illustrations and covers practically every aspect of makeup application. Every section addresses the standard overview's of cosmetic color applications and with an intense emphasis of theories addressing do's and dont's."


Well-known member
Hey hun... I have it on a PDF file (someone on mua only wanted a token for it, so I was like, hey, why not). PM me your email and I'll send it to you (and anyone else who wants it).

By the way, even though it is available on Ebay, I'm pretty sure the distribution of it for profit is illegal, as it is copyrighted. I probably shouldnt give it out either, but since it's free, I hope its okay. No turning me in girls!


Well-known member
The PKM (product knowledge manual) is really not that helpful to anyone who isn't a MAC employee...I saw a "MAC Bible" that had techiniques and such that had been cut and pasted from different sources, like the Kevin Aucoin book. There is no such thing as a "MAC bible."


Well-known member
agree... I mean, it was nice to read through, and I feel more informed now, but it definitely isn't super-useful for the everyday consumer. It might help if you do freelance, but most of it is specific MAC procedures and ingrediants listings


Well-known member
Originally Posted by giz2000
The PKM (product knowledge manual) is really not that helpful to anyone who isn't a MAC employee...I saw a "MAC Bible" that had techiniques and such that had been cut and pasted from different sources, like the Kevin Aucoin book. There is no such thing as a "MAC bible."

ITA with giz, its a waste of time and money!


Well-known member
It's handy if you're fastidious about product ingredients, but it's not worth spending money on.

Besides, five minutes of googling will produce a variety of places where you can download a pdf of it. *shrug*
aahhhh i was wondering about these as i've also seen them on ebay. good to know that they're no good to get - can save a bit of moolah


Well-known member
I agree with the bunch of people who said that it is not really useful in terms of makeup application techniques or anything. I used to think the same thing until I finally got mine at Basic Training! It is just full of product ingredients and descriptions and things like use to people who don't work at MAC, really. And, to be honest, we don't really use it that much at work. Once in a while, there will be someone who wants to know something really specific about a certain product, and that's about the only time that we use it. I heard that MAC is trying to "crack down" on people selling their product knowledge manuals on Ebay.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by bring_the_rukus
{link removed}
there's a link and its free

OoOoO i checked it out... thanks! it's nothing special really that a non MAC worker would want but if you want to work there and want to know everything about MAC then read it!


Well-known member
This thread has been closed. Links to downloads have been removed.

The document often called the "MAC Bible" is the Product Knowledge Manual, a training guide and product content book. It is given to MAC employees at the beginning of their employ, and is to be returned at the cessation of employ. It is a document to which Estee Lauder and its subsidiaries hold the copyright, and reproduction, sale, and other forms of distribution of the document are copyright infringement. Copyright infringement is in many jurisdictions, such as the United States, a strict liability tort or crime, also known as theft and piracy. CDs, files, and other forms of duplication of the document is illegal. Copy and distrobution of the document is grounds for termination of employ with MAC.

It is becoming increasingly common to find copies of this document being sold and otherwise distrubuted which not only contain the illegal form of the MAC product knowledge manual, but also other cosmetic books by authors Kevyn Aucoin and/or Bobbi Brown. Copies of these books are not associated with MAC, and have been obtained illegally.

Specktra does not permit or condone the exchange of the Product Knowledge Manual.
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