So i have this theory and i need opininons pleease!


Well-known member
Hey! I have a question about dying hair.

So my hair is currently dark brown almost black but i have these carmellyblonde colored streaks in the front like my bangs and a couple other face framing pieces. Anyways im getting soo sick of them but i dont have money to visit the salon. I know it will be insanely hard to completely cover them so what do you think if I dyed just that part with a lighter brown semi permanant dye?

Do you think it would work? And also, do you think it would affect the really dark parts if it did get on it? Maybe my theory is stupid lol but im so sick of these and i want a more natural look.

Comments are appreciated!


Well-known member
If it were me...I'd probably try to do a semi-permanent color on just those streaks, if you can piece them out. If you want them to be a little lighter than your existing brown*, pick a slightly lighter shade than your existing brown.

Even if you picked one that was like your brown, those strands might still come out lighter, or fade out to lighter in time. But this would be fairly gentle on that hair, and by trying a shade lighter than you think you want, you'll be playing it safe. If you find that you want it darker still, you'll be doing your hair a lot less damage by using semi permanent colors....leaving you some play room to go back and use a darker shade sooner if it's not quite where you want it.

Have fun!

(I'm editing this afterward to make it more clear...she's /already/ got light streaks in her hair, she's trying to get them back to a more natural color....but for some that might mean still keeping them a /little/ bit lighter than the rest of her brown...making them look like more natural highlights rather than chunked-out, high contrast highlights.)


Well-known member
you cant tint hair lighter than it is unless its virgin hair and youre using hi lift tint, or you bleach those sections. and if you did try out your theory, the light color will not stain the rest of your hair. if youre going back to natural, its not that hard covering them.. find a shade of tint that matches the rest of your hair.. the bottles of tint only cost 5 bucks at the most at beauty supply stores, buy some 10 vol. developer, and a little tube of red filler. apply the filler to the blonde streaks, rinse off, then apply the mixture of tint and developer.. it should make the hair an even color.. hth

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