Well-known member
I'm really nervous about going to school next year. I did one year of University and just hated it. I can't imagine anything else being different! At university, I felt like I was nobody and no one cared if you succeeded or failed. I was going through to become a phys ed teacher, when all of a sudden I realized 18 days into my program that it wasnt for me. I was nervous, anxious and my health started to suffer. I wasn't sleeping, eating and I wasn't happy. I met my boyfriend before school started but never got involved with him until the end of september. I didn't think I could handle dating someone while going to school. It turned out I needed someone to be there for me. He helped me stay in school and I dropped down to being a part time student. I completed the year and am forever greatful to him for his passion and supportiveness throughout my ordeal. So I've decided to become an optician because I've worked in an optical for 4 years. I have to go away to college next year which I am totally terrified. I just can't imagine it being different. Currently, I am working and believe it or not I am studying for the program!!! I have all the books from one of the opticians I work with and have been faithful to studying since june. I know you are now thinking, "girl whats wrong with you?! You'll be fine!" But I am so nervous because I hated the post secondary education I got last year. I am leaving my hometown which is 130,000 people, and moving two hours away. I know its not that far. I have to do a long distance thing with my bf who is applying to med school in Ottawa. So that means we will be at least 4 hours away. I know we can do it though.
Any suggestions or comments on how to get over my stupid nervous and anxious behavior will be taken into great appreciation!
Any suggestions or comments on how to get over my stupid nervous and anxious behavior will be taken into great appreciation!