So OVER it!!


Well-known member
Sorry, I just have to vent!

I am so over where I work.. There is this bitch who everyone seems to love and think she's so honest - but she's so scheeming and nasty - SHE LIED TO MY FACE TWICE last week
...She just got a promotion after I told my boss & her boss that she wasn't the best person for the job
(I had told them I wouldn't take the job for 1million dollars!).

I've had the last 4 days off work as I've been sick with a cold, before that I had the flu and then before that a cold (this all within 4 weeks).

On top of the people I work with being absolute jerks I have to go to some team building day with them all and tell them my biggest weaknesses etc.. (and the company is making us take a profile/personallity test a week before the team building day - no, they won't use the results!

I am so stressed out my eye has been twitching for 4 months... I've had nose bleeds... and they said to me today when am I coming in as there is a lot of work to be done
... I do so much free overtime and everyone else there gets paid for it... it's just not fair.
Right now, I am the only person in the company who is doing 2-3 people's jobs (litterally) and is the only person who knows how to do them.

I'm so over it -
I don't know what else to do, now I am thinking about going into work tomorrow and have a seriously upset tummy and want to cry...
(sorry for the vent)

Oh and when I tell my Fiance he said I should leave - he thinks I want to be a make up artist (because I don't know what I want to do) - but I did IT at uni and for some reason got a job in customer service which got me promoted to my current job - which I can't even find another job to step into except for customer service (I am so over that aswell!)....


Well-known member

I am so over where I work.. There is this bitch who everyone seems to love and think she's so honest - but she's so scheeming and nasty - SHE LIED TO MY FACE TWICE last week

Wow for a minute there I thought you were talking about this woman at my job! I think there is normally a person like this at every work place unfortunately.
I know it's a horrible feeling to have to get up and go to a job that you literally hate...It almost really does make you sick to your stomach physically. It doesn't seem it is going to get any better..I would update my resume and just bide my time and tongue until I could find something better.

Hopefully it will get better soon and you will have a new job that you don't mind getting up to go to.


Well-known member
i work with a girl kind of like that. she's a lying, scheming, nasty little girl...some of my coworkers are smart enough to see through her lies. unfortunately, she brings my boss breakfast every morning (and he's quite large, so you know he loves him some food) and he apparently can't see through her lies. i went to him one time when she was doing something against policy...something that i would have been fired for doing, and he turned it around and yelled at me for the whole thing.

i hated to do it, but i just put in for a transfer. is there any way you could transfer to another office/department within your company?


Well-known member
I completely understand dragging yourself out of bed to go to a job you hate. I can guarantee that the stress from it is part of what is making you sick.

My best advice...get the hell out of there and never look back. You deserve to do what you love to do. Go back to school if you have to - that's what I did and I've never been happier! Every job is going to have parts about it that suck, but on the whole, you shouldn't have to dread going to work everyday and hate everyone you work with.

Good luck - I hope you're able to find something that you're happy with!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by kimmy
i work with a girl kind of like that. she's a lying, scheming, nasty little girl...some of my coworkers are smart enough to see through her lies. unfortunately, she brings my boss breakfast every morning (and he's quite large, so you know he loves him some food) and he apparently can't see through her lies. i went to him one time when she was doing something against policy...something that i would have been fired for doing, and he turned it around and yelled at me for the whole thing.

i hated to do it, but i just put in for a transfer. is there any way you could transfer to another office/department within your company?

She's like that - she's just a suck - when they annouced the job was up for grabs, she carried my boss's folder upstairs - she never does that. She actually got the girl fired who's job she got.

She said in her job interview "I want to work my way to the top and I don't care who I step on to get there". My boss thought this was "refreshing".

I've worked in one other place - nobody was every like that..

Nope, my boss doesn't care - he won't transfer me because he can't see a problem. I've been asking him to move me from that department for the last two years.. He is a complex man who I do not understand.