so sad about my mac :(


Well-known member
Don't worry...Help is on the way!!!!
That is a horrible situation and the fact that she did that is immature and down right heartless!!! I'm mad at her...tell her I said we can take it outside if she wants to :duel: Your BF should be a little more understanding, but again that is his mother and we all know how that goes. I'm gonna PM you with what I have...if there is anything you want...I gotcha!!!


Well-known member
I might be a little late with the condolences, but I'd just like to say that I am truly sorry for what happened! That is beyond wrong, and i really know how precious your MAC products were/are. The friends of yours who say "so what?" about your make up are simply saying things without stopping to consider what THEIR valuables are. I mean, they really should halt and think about what is truly special to themselves and offer you some sympathy. I hope that a LARGE portion, if not all of your collection will be restored, since Specktra members are so generous! <3


Well-known member
I can't believe a grown woman would do such a childish thing!!! I agree with everyone it's completely uncalled for WTF? Is that how she usually deals with things?

ETA- I know you don't want to disrespect her or anything but I think you need to grow some balls (I hope that dosn't come out rude or anything) and tell her something cause if you just keep quiet she might just do the same thing again.

I would also like to send you some samples, PMing you right now.


Well-known member
I'm really sorry she did that. It's pretty pathetic of a grown ass woman (and mother) to do this to someone. I hope you will be able to stand up for yourself because I don't want her to think this is acceptable behavior, and you don't deserve it. As for your boyfriend, it shouldn't matter what she wrecked and whether or not he thinks it's stupid, it's the point that she would do something so childish and desctructive. That woman needs help.

Cool Kitten

Well-known member
If my MIL did something like this she would never be allowed to visit my house for as long as she lived. And my husband would support me 100%. I'm sorry you're stuck with an a-hole who lets his mother get away with violating you like this.


Well-known member
u guys are all right , im having a loong talk with both of them when they are done with work ... i truly thank all of u for your nice responses .... and for those who akes, she usually doesnt do this kind of thing, but if anything similar happens again ill be sure i take her to court to replace anything she ruined ...thnx again guys <3


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TRES TEAL
see , thats my problem , i cant file a complaint because then i will feel bad even tho i know she desrves it ... thats why i dont understand how she can do that because i would never do anything to disrespect her

The way I see it, she has already disrespected you. You should demand (not ask) that she replace your makeup, because she had no right touching your things. It's time you stand up for yourself. Just because you are young, and she's your son's grandmother, doesn't mean that she can walk all over you (which, by the way, your BF isn't helping matters by not confronting his mother, either...this speaks volumes). She knew that the makeup was important to you and chose to destroy it...says a lot about her character.

Girl, people get sued in small claims court for things like this! Why not take her to court now? Don't wait for the "next time."

It's not that I am trivializing the loss of your makeup (I would kick someone's butt if they did that to my stuff). It's just that I HATE seeing people stepped on...hugs to you!


Well-known member
I had a roomate who used to disrespect my stuff. I dont think it was done maliciously, just more like she was oblivious to the fact that it bothered me. Stuff like borowing my clothes and not washing/returning them (i'd have to get them from her closet). Taking my quarters for laundry and replacing them with pennies, nickels and dimes. And other annoying stuff like taking my extra Venus razorblades, and using my MU w/out asking. The worst was when they had people sleep over in my bed when I was out of town for the weekend, and the people over threw up on my carpet, sheets, and in my hamper (empty at the time thank god). I was SOOOOOOO mad LOL.

I confronted her about it, and how it made me feel, and she was a lot better about it. I basically told her that if it continued I would move out. I went to homedepot the next day and bought a lock for my door, and had my boyfriend install it when the house was empty. It doesn't matter who your living with, they need to learn to respect personal space.

I'd get in her face about it. She's a terrible person if she doesn't apologise, and her mother should be ashamed for raising such a disrespectful person.


Well-known member
oh, my dear. i would cry so hard if that happened to me. please let us help...PM me with your address and the colors you had/are missing. I am even headed to the Pro store in LA this coming weekend, so if there is a special e/s color you want, please let me know before Firday. Don't hesitate to ask, hon.

*hugs tightly*

Chic 2k6

Well-known member
Oh my, that is totally awful
How mean of her, i agree with everyone else, file a complaint, you shouldnt have to feel bad for doing it because what she did is what a child wouldve done and she's just being immature.


Well-known member
ok , first i talked to the bf and really made him understand where i was coming from , so he went and talked to his mom for me , she said that she wont replace the makeup , but since my 21st birthday is in two weeks she is going to take me to atlantic city , buy me some drinks and let me gamble with a lil bit of her money , and she did appologize and said she didnt think it would hurt my feelings ... im still mad at her , but hopefully she will now realize how big of a deal this was to me and im not so sure i even want to go to a.c with her ..i guess ill just have to see how the next 2 weeks go with her then ill decide if i want to go or not .... and again , thank you all for offering to help me out , a couple of really sweet members are sending me some pigment samples so im not going to accept anymore because i dont want to have more samples than i started with because that would be a little greedy of me ...thank you all again soo much , l reallly appreciate all of your kind words !! <3


Well-known member
Smells like the, "Say your sorry" apology that parents make their kids say, or in this case, your bf.

She really is a bitch of a MIL.

Why are you living there anyways? Is your child with a different person then your boyfriend (you mentioned that your MIL was your kids grandma). Or is he the father?

Feels like she blames you for having the baby. But hard to tell, since we dont know all the background


Hope things work out. I still think she should replace the MU. That would be a sincere (well as sincere as you would get) apology imho.


Well-known member
I'm proud of you for having the courage to confront her. I know that must have been very hard for you to do. I think it is very big of you to consider her offer and think you are setting a good example for your child. Not only are you trying communication to resolve the problem, you are being a strong mother by demanding respect. You seem like the type of person who really thinks things through before acting on an issue, and that is admirable. I sincerely hope things get better for you, and your family realizes how amazing you are. Please don't let your friends tell you what your values should be. It was more than makeup she destroyed, it was a symbol of accomplishment she took from you. She can never take away the fact that you earned them, or hope to reach your level of class.


Well-known member
i cant even say how much all of these responses have made me feel .. u guys have all made me happy again ... i wasnt expecting so many people to respond, so like i said its great to have a place where people can relate and understand why this stuff was so important to me ... thank you all so verrrrry much and if ANY of you ever need to talk about something im here just like u all were here for me ... i have much gratitude for u all<3


Well-known member
Wow if my bf's mom did that (which she would NEVER do!!) I would move out asap and probably never speak to her again unless she duly apologized and replaced all the damaged stuff.

It doesn't even matter WHAT it is , if it's makeup or CDs or whatever, it's such a disrespectful and childish thing to do, I wouldn't want to be around a person like that ever again. I hope you are able to get some of those samples replaced!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TRES TEAL
i knew u guys on here would understand ... i told my bf and my friends and all they had to say was, so wut, its just makeup ...ughh, that really pisses me off . thnx every1 , i cant believe even my bf doesnt even seem to care about it like its not a big deal at all , but to me it is

Not for nothing... But if your boyfriend her son..doesn't see how this is wrong.... that his mother destory YOUR property... he WILL not stick up for you IN other things...
Demand repayment for your Stuff.... Make a full list of every item she messed up. Type it out and present it to her. Telling her she needs to either give you back the money for it... or replace each item. I so would even go as far as talking to a lawyer about it... just to tell her that you did... and that you are serious... DO NOT LET ANYONE GET OVER ON YOU!!! and do it NOW....

keep us up to date


Well-known member
Wow. I really wish I could help but I don't have anything to give. I just started myself and only have a pigment sample. But I'd just walk up to her and slap her and if the BF says something I'd just be like "So what? It's just a handprint.


Well-known member
i wouldn't do that at all... it WAS funny to read tho
plus, if u slap her, she can press charges against u for assault.. it's not worth going to jail for..


Well-known member

What an absolute bitch. Why can't she spend her gambling money on replacement m-up for you?? Obviously that would mean more to you. Your story made me so sad, why do people want to be so cruel and "get someone where it hurts"? Especially as your the mother of her grandson

I have a Pink/Bronze full size Pigment that I never wear cause it looks like shite on me, if you would like it I would love to send it to you. And who cares if you end up with more then you started with, you need a break!!

